Earlier Today, I began to Pray for Marriages For all people - TopicsExpress


Earlier Today, I began to Pray for Marriages For all people whether youre newlyweds just beginning to travel the road of life together or if youve been married for many years, learning to talk to your spouse can enrich your life and deepen the bonds of your marriage. God is the master communicator, and we can come to Him to be instructed and taught in the art of communicating effectively with the one He has given us. Lets continue this prayer: Father, whenever we communicate, help us to uphold the priority of our marriage, permitting no other relationship to weaken ours. May the word divorce never be formed on our tongue, never pronounced with our lips. May it never be considered as a viable option-for it strikes terror in the heart, fear and anger in the mind, and anxiety to our souls. And it grieves Your holy heart. May we always, in all our conversations, uphold the oneness of our marriage, understanding that what affects one always affects the other. May we allow open and honest communication, encourage vulnerability and authenticity. May we never be guilty of breaking each others spirit. Rather, may we affirm and strengthen one another so that together we can endure any weakness, any failure and not lose hope. Father, help us to sharpen our communication skills. Teach us to communicate with our eyes-to convey our delight in the others presence, to say, I love you, to let our loved one know even in a crowded room, Youre special to me. Remind us to give each other the gift of our full attention when we talk. Teach us to respond to what is said so that our mate knows he or she is being heard. Help us to keep a confidence, to build a wall of trust so that we are free to share all that is in our hearts. And as we listen, Lord, help us to avoid giving quick or pat answers. Help us to listen patiently. Remind us that our loved one does not always want advice. Sometimes we just want to be heard; to say it, and to get it off our chest. Father, may we feel the freedom to open up and share our fears. Sometimes it is so difficult to admit weakness or fear, but we need to be able to talk to someone—and of all people, it should be our spouse. May we also know that we dont always have to dispel each others fear-nor should we think we must have the cure. May we just learn to listen. . .listen and pray. Father, we all need to have that sense of significance, of worth, of security, so teach us to continually look for ways, for words in private and in public, to build our loved ones self-esteem. When one of us shares with the other, may we learn not to attack each other verbally. May the goal of all our conversations be for the building up of one another, the healing of one another, and the encouragement of one another so our loved one will want to talk, to communicate. May our words never be demeaning or destructive. And finally, Father, when our tempers flare, may we make it a practice not to lay our heads on our pillows and close our eyes until we have resolved our anger. You tell us very clearly, Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. As we look at the one lying on the pillow beside us, may we remember that this is the one to whom we made our vows to love in sickness and in heath, for richer or poorer, for better or worse until death do us part. Help us realize, Father, that a marriage like the one we prayed for is a marriage that speaks to all the world of the power and indestructible joy of living in obedience to the Word of God. A marriage that demonstrates to the world that with You it is possible to have a marriage without regrets; a marriage that gives others a snapshot of the marriage of the Lamb and the heavenly home You have prepared for us. Amen! If you like say amen !!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:06:14 +0000

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