Earlier, at Mr. Eds Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner: Good - TopicsExpress


Earlier, at Mr. Eds Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner: Good morning, everybody. Its so nice to be home among so many family and friends. Our celebration of Thanksgiving is rooted in the Harvest Festival, celebrated by the Pilgrims of Plymouth nearly 400 years ago. When those first 102 folks landed, little did they know that a year later nearly half of them would pass away. Yet they persevered. They worked hard and built a community, making friendships with their Wampanoag neighbors that would last for decades. As the bounty of their first harvest and hunt came in, it gave them cause to celebrate their blessings. That is why you and I are here today. Let us all join hands and take a moment in silence to look back on our own lives and think of something for which each of us may be thankful. Heavenly father, thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon us this year. We ask you to make this a day of gladness as we reflect on the bounty which you have provided. We are a grateful nation for the liberties you have given so generously so that each of us may live and grow in pursuit of our happiness. We give thanks for the bravery of our men and women in uniform, spending this day in far-off corners of the world. Watch over them and guide them, returning them home safely to loving families. We offer our thanks for the food we eat and especially this community feast we share together today. We give thanks to you for the fruits of our labor so that we may prosper and share with our neighbors in need while here on Earth. I want to offer special thanks for the warm and loving people of Tomah who made this such a special place for my brothers Eddie and Artie and my sister Juliann to live, thrive, and call home. More importantly, Lord, thank you for touching Ed and Art with your spirit. You called them home to you early, but not before letting your spirit and generosity shine through them as both of them reached out with good humor to help fellow travelers in life find a little more light, a little more peace, a little more happiness. Bless this food which we are about to receive and bless Wisconsin’s family farms that continue to feed a hungry world. This we ask in Jesus’ precious name. Amen. And on a day of reflection such as this, I also want to share with you from my hear, the old Irish blessing that my mother taught all of us, Juliann, Eddie, Artie, and me . . .
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:56:48 +0000

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