Earlier in the month, we posted some facts with regard to various - TopicsExpress


Earlier in the month, we posted some facts with regard to various behaviors individuals with PWS may exhibit. However, we did not mention a VERY important behavior some people with PWS exhibit.... Fact: When faced with situations they cannot handle or when the hunger beast gets the better of them, many individuals with PWS will elope (running away). The best recommendation to avoid elopement is to provide close supervision at all times. However, other recommendations include teaching individuals with PWS to discuss their feelings when upset or removing them (maybe only temporarily) from the situation, which allows them time to calm down and process their feelings. In addition, incentive programs for positive behavior can be put into place. If elopement occurs and you are unaware of where the individual is located, notify the authorities immediately. In addition, have a flyer with pertinent information about the individual available for the authorities. We hope you never encounter this situation, but know from personal experience it can happen in the blink of an eye.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:47:27 +0000

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