Earlier this morning I asked friends and family to comment on what - TopicsExpress


Earlier this morning I asked friends and family to comment on what the meaning of LOVE and REVOLUTION meant to them. Annnnnnnd I got 2 comments. Thats still great though! In retail they say when one customer says something, there are 25 more thinking the same thing. So 48 other people really wanted to comment lol! Truth is, Love has always been hard for people to define. There are actual websites dedicated to saying there isnt a definition of Love. Love is different to everyone. Some seem and claim to never see or feel or experience love. I checked out one of those websites...it actually told me something very useful. It said the word WILLINGNESS. ..That made me think for a second. If God is Love, then is our fulfillment of Love, our WILLINGNESS to allow God to enter our lives...to take control? If so then how much are we IN control of Love?.... The answer is... as much as we allow.We are in charge of our OWN actions. We decide whether or not to LOVE....We decide How we LOVE... We decide WHO we love. It Is Our Choice. We can show LOVE, or we can show other things. Hate...displeasure. ..resentment. ..anger...sarcasm. ..distaste... We choose what happens...we Choose how to interact with others. We choose to Allow Love to enter us AND exit us. Revolution isnt much different. ...it means to come full circle...it means to revolt against evil...it means to Renew...Refresh. ..think over and change. ..it means to stand up against and also stand for... LOVE REVOLUTION. ..it is a movement of personal levels 10 THOUSAND fold. Its success is based on the WILLINGNESS of each and everyone of US to: 1- allow God/LOVE into our lives 2- then SHOW that LOVE TO OTHERS, in effort for a Greater Purpose. ... It is our COMMANDMENT to LOVE the Lord Our God with ALL of Our Heart Soul and Mind AND LOVE our neighbors as we LOVE OURSELVES. When we spread this LOVE, and we stop spreading anything else, It WILL open not only the Minds, but the Hearts of Everyone!!! That IS THE REVOLUTION!!! To bring Us together in LOVE is to bring us together in God. Helping each other. Praying for each other. Lifting UP!!!... not tearing DOWN!!! Being there for each other through trials and tribulations. Stand for and not against each other. Ridding away of judments, anger, fear, and hostility. Laying our burdens at the Cross... Helping each of us Heal. Washing away the Old and CELEBRATING in the New! The NEW is here.... its waiting for YOU! Its waiting for your WILLINGNESS to accept and deliver LOVE!!! THE LOVE REVOLUTION has already started. It is gaining ground each moment any of us think about it. It GROWS stronger by the second, and it WILL PREVAIL!!! In JESUS Name! The time of games has ended. The time of LOVE is here! Now it is Time to STAND in ONE ACCORD! To Move FORWARD NOT BACK!!! We all,through our own Neglect, have allowed our Country, our State, our County, our Jobs, our Social Lives, our Homes, our Friends, and Our Families, and Ourselves to get this far... we did it by not standing in love with God........ Its now time to change that... Its now time to take back what we have lost.... It is time for a Love Revolution..... If your reading this right now, I pray for God to speak to your heart. I pray for you to decide to make, Not just a Change but a difference. To LOVE your enemies with acts of kindness. To tell this message of Love to Everyone you know. Not just with words but with ACTIONS!!! By being Examples to Everyone. From your spouse your friend your child your siblings... to each and everyone you encounter.... Build friendships! Be an example, NOT a product! Love UNCONDITIONALY! !! THEN WE WILL SEE CHANGE! Always remember in everything you do, do it for the Glory of God...Do it for Love:) Glory be to God:) I love you ALL!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:51:59 +0000

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