Earlier today, I posted this on FB…. Article in todays paper - TopicsExpress


Earlier today, I posted this on FB…. Article in todays paper said that 90% of those enrolled in Obamacare received a subsidy. Its great they have insurance. Bad for us working people. Their subsidy will be paid by you and me. My friend Kimberly Harris responded with this....... “If NC didnt opt out of Obamacare, then I could have the same policy I have now, just from another state, and save about $300 a month on my premium, no subsidy. But the one change of allowing my 23 year old son and I to share a family policy, has helped a bit. I am stuck with the high monthly cost because of my state, not Obamacare, and I am stuck with higher income taxes to boot”. Kimberly … not sure where you got your info. Most likely from someone bashing the Republican administration in Raleigh. If you would have investigated just a bit, you would have found that the info is not correct. For decades, we, here in North Carolina have enjoyed the lowest insurance rates (health/homeowner/car) of most other states. This is due to the diligence of our Insurance Commissioners. Jim Long served for about 24 years and Wayne Goodwin has served the past 2 years. Both of these men are Democrats, but they are so good at their jobs, Republicans vote for them! NC did not ‘opt out’ of Obamacare. The insurance commissioner…sent ‘invitations’ to all 160 insurers that was on the federal exchange. All of them ‘opted out’ except Blue Cross and Aetna. My guess is they ‘opted out’ because they did not want to meet the low rates that NC has enjoyed for years. Sorry…the Republicans didn’t do it…the insurance companies did it! Interesting side note….these low insurance rates was one of the things that attracted a lot of businesses to relocate to NC, under the leadership of Jim Hunt and a couple of the other governors before him. About the time that Mike Easley became governor, things started to change. One is the economy started to falter. When the economy falters, it’s belt-tightening time. Easley and then Perdue, did not do this. They ‘subscribe’ to the liberal (and Obama) method of ‘we need to spend our way out of this, even if we have to borrow money.’ They run the state far in debt, which meant a constant increase in taxes, that even the low insurance rates could not attract new business, or cause existing businesses to expand. So, they did what they did best – spend - again! For the past 5 years, take a look at how many billions of dollars was given away to businesses to get them to expand or relocate. All the programs have fancy sounding names…but follow the money. It all comes from your hard earned tax dollars. Oh, they all promise a huge payback on the ‘investment,’ and it might come some day. But it’s something that we taxpayers cannot afford at this time. A ‘down home’ example of this is personal…Judy Smith and I. For three winters, Judy has driven a car that did not have a working heater…and couldn’t be fixed because some under-dashboard-parts are no longer available for a 2002 Ford Taurus. . She has bundled up with a overcoat and blankets…just to drive to work, go shopping and visit her mom. It’s been really cold for her. I felt sorry for her and many times, when my schedule allowed, would take her to work and pick her up. If there was anyone that was desperate for a new car…it was her! I guess we could have done the liberal Easley, Perdue, Obama thing and borrowed the money…but then the payments would have been late…and the interest would have went up….and past dues would have been added each month. Unfortunately, we couldn’t go to the tax payers and China to borrow money. So, we did the ‘right’ thing and ‘bundled up and suffered through it! Just two months ago, our budget improved just a bit, so that we could afford her a new car. She deserves a Lexus…but got a Ford Focus! So, please friends, as I have asked many times….do your research, find out the truth…and not just something that sounds good… before deciding who you are going to vote for…beginning with next Tuesday’s primary. Do we want to be free or forced? I think next Tuesday primary will tell-the-tale.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 03:43:23 +0000

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