Earlier today a comment was made about the interest level in the - TopicsExpress


Earlier today a comment was made about the interest level in the Mount Morris Story. This comment suggested (intentionally or not) that the story is not dramatic enough. Well I’d like to take a moment to address this way of thinking. On the one hand we have dozens of FB posts about dramatic and shocking things. People get to the point where there is too much drama and media. And on the other hand there are those who need this constant stream of adrenaline to feel connected. Well let me tell you it’s not a competition of whos tragedy is more horrible! Sure the posting of dead cows, dry dams and parched soil shows the people not close to the land what it looks like but the reality is that this issue is bigger. It’s not about drama and hype is about reality and helping people. The Stuart family have been strong, so very strong. They are fighting not just for themselves but for all of you! They have put themselves in the spotlight to try and stop an injustice. Yes they put themselves there, no they are not going to script themselves to keep you amused. They are sharing the views and stories of thousands of people who have come forward to stand beside them. These people are tired of the drought, tired of the banks and mostly tired of being treated like shit. They don’t want to be funny, entertaining or dramatic they just want to get on with the job at hand. This fight is about people who had all their ducks in a row being shot down. They were doing well, and then they had nothing. That’s hard to cope with to anyone. The people coming forward arn’t just farmers and graziers, some of them are small business owners in towns and cities. All have been sent to the wall by bullies. I don’t know how many times it has to be said before it sinks in. This fight isn’t about bad debt its about bad banking. This is about emotional abuse, the psychological breakdown of people to turn them into the very basic version of themselves. So for the people out there who are not stimulated enough and want more, get in your vehicle and get out there and see it for yourself. Maybe then it will feel real. -Admins
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:27:25 +0000

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