Early Voted today here are the thoughts that I was thinking and - TopicsExpress


Early Voted today here are the thoughts that I was thinking and why I vote! Growing up in the Midwest (St. Louis Mo.) in a single parent household with my mother involved in the movement against racism I saw the urgency for the blacks to be able to vote and be treated as a person. Did I understand? Not really but I understand it now maybe a bit too much. My mother was involved in from my memory, C.O.R.E. (Congress on Racial Equality), A.C.T.I.O.N. (From what I can tell now an upstart spinoff of the Black Panthers in St. Louis), NAACP, Help me help myself etc… etc… to name a few of the ones I remember. I was taken to picket lines and saw from the inside what it takes to give one self for what you believe in, my Mom did it. Picketed Woolworth, Walgreens, A&P Grocery store, Tomboy grocery stores and countless others. When the Freedom rides started she contacted car dealerships to donate cars to the cause and some did, you see when many stand for something it will make a difference. Edna Morris gave her time and sometimes there was no food because she spent this time for this cause. Many of the leaders of the organizations were looking to line their own pockets I saw this early and learned the game from the inside. Edna would spend her time many days calling corporations to get them to hire blacks as they did not and she was successful in a lot of cases, many who are reading this know people who got those jobs as a result of her hard work. I am talking at the age of 9 years old and even younger if my memory serves me correctly, so I saw it firsthand hard to trick me. I say this to say that I have seen the struggle that it took to get the right to work a decent job, the right to, lets say vote and many other rights that are now being taken away. Then I went to high school and moved to an area that was mostly white, I am talking no Spanish, Middle Eastern, Asian it was just white people for the most part. This is when I felt the racism in America from a standpoint of it being directed at me and not as a child looking at it. It was real and still is in America. I see many talk about not voting, I understand it does not really matter as we are just choosing the difference of the same if that makes sense. After seeing what I have seen in my life I just have to vote out of respect to all those that I personally seen give up so much for the right to do it! I told myself every election that I would not vote as I am busy living and don’t want to take my time out for such a show. Instead I choose to work from where I am to show others that we are all the same no matter what we think we are or how great we think we are. I find it interesting that now that the rules and the government has shown that all people are now oppressed not just one race I hear the cries of foul, well it has been foul the entire time so to now say that the rules are not fair is amazing to me. It is good that many are waking up to this as now maybe we can discuss race and disagree about things that many choose to ignore as it now affects all of us, how does it feel? Not good I know but it is real! If we discuss and realize that maybe we are all in the same boat we will see that we are making it hard on each other, there is no small group of people who can keep so many down. Even if you are “told” that you are special many times it is to oppress others (overseer) stop it! Lift up others to your level you believe you are on, respect others! When you work a job work together don’t think because you are put in a position to “control” others don’t just “group up” and try to act like those old high school days. There are people who are giving their lives to companies and deserve to be respected for that and customers or whoever you work to serve (we are all serving something) make it the best it can be, what’s wrong with that? Do the job the best you can don’t stoop to the level of not caring and in essence making people lose smiles. We all need to have as much pride as we can in what we do as that is pretty much all we have left. When I am at my job and go to shop I never se people happy, we are like robots blaming others for the choices we made. Accept your choices they are yours and trust me the ones pointing at you can very well point at themselves. You see we are all living the same life, there is no difference!! Trust me on that rich or poor, top or bottom it is all the same! Back to the reason I vote, do you know there are 535 members in the House and Senate with an average salary of $174,000.00 a year? The term of a senator is 6 years so the total salary is $1,044,000.00 and if you look at the money they spend to get this job! You can follow the links to see all type of data on the money spent, follow the money. The question is this why do we repeat the corrupt practices of the politicians on each other? Stop the drama. We do not have to be divided and greedy to try to take all, control all you see if you are reading this you are just a tool for these people no matter if you are the boss or unemployed. So I vote mostly because it something I thiank I need to do as I think about the times that I was called Nigger, had things thrown out of cars at me spit on and just not allowed to exist as a human being. I take all my time and carry myself to show others that this type of behavior is not needed. There was a man that came to my job last night he smelled bad but he had money to gamble, cool. I listened to the comments and was sick to hear how people judged this man instead of try to help him, people you are no better than him he may have been homeless and gambling to get a place to live to shower. Did you ask? No!!! Long story short, I don’t know the answer but I will be damned if I am going to allow the people who did what I saw done to allow me to vote to not go and do that, it takes 5 min. Go Vote! Then go back to living and make others feel like a human being it may just spread. If you see a person everyday say hello and give a smile, its ok!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:53:49 +0000

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