Early broadcast! Today on The Horses Mouth... Dear friends and - TopicsExpress


Early broadcast! Today on The Horses Mouth... Dear friends and family to whom I have not given out all the particulars of recent events. Yes, I am in a happy and positive relationship with Amanda Marie Yanku of Chicago, IL. No, this is not a sudden, out-of-nowhere, flash in the pan, random happening that occurred solely through the internet. Amanda and I met roughly twelve years ago while I was still at Gaudet Middle School. Our initial meeting was brief and non-recognizant, as she was here with a competitive dance team and we happened across each other. Shortly thereafter, we crossed paths in an AOL chat-room and lent some recognition to the fact that we had just met each other again without knowing it. Over the next dozen years, Amanda and I have stayed in touch as pen-pals, attempted an earlier long distance relationship which fizzled out, called each other regularly, emailed, sent written letters to each other, exchanged holiday cards, and supported each other as friends throughout our numerous joys, as well as countless trials and tribulations, most of which are public record. And as our connection grew over time, so did the technology, and over the last few months we began communicating face-to-face via Skype, where she also had a chance to meet my girls. And then came the turning point. Sometime after the end of my last relationship, Amanda and I began talking more and more frequently, with conversations centered around visiting one another. And as each conversation progressed, it became apparent to both of us that the barriers that kept us from making a go of things were becoming less and less cumbersome, leading me to ask her if she would be willing to try again. As you may tell, she said yes. This past weekend, Amandas plan to come and visit me and my daughters came to fruition, and it could not have gone better. My posted pictures and Facebook posts tell the story of something that feels less like a new and frightening venture and more like something that was picked up where it left off. My daughters have taken to Amanda with the greatest of enthusiasm, and she to them, and the interaction I observed between them was positively heartwarming. As for the two of us, to look at us, you would think that we had spent those twelve years living side by side. I freely admit that it has been a good long while since I have felt that nameless, indescribable sense of goofy happiness that I have when Im with her, and the fear of losing that connection. So, at the start of this week, and with Amanda having returned home to Illinois, we find ourselves looking at all the possibilities that lay before us with great optimism, and cant wait to explore them together. Remember, you heard it first from... The Horses Mouth.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:44:19 +0000

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