Early history [edit] Mendicant Bias... Beggar after knowledge. - TopicsExpress


Early history [edit] Mendicant Bias... Beggar after knowledge. That is the name I gave you after we last met. —Bornstellar Makes Eternal Lasting, spoken through by the Didacts memories. Mendicant Bias was created by Master Builder Faber and the Didact followi Flood attack on the Milky Way had been pushed back by early humanity. Aft ar began, Mendicant Bias was placed in charge of all Forerunner defenses, nd exploiting the weaknesses of the Flood compound intelligence. Primary riginal twelve Halo installations. [4][note 1] s part of its assignment, in approximately 100,043 BCE, the AI was tasked t t Charum Hakkor with the Old Councils authority. Installation 07, fired on Hakkors plentiful Precursor structures and eradicated all neurologically co evelopment of this test was the emancipation of an ancient being known a ravemind claiming to be the last Precursor. When the ancient Gravemind Master Builders orders, it entered into an extended conversation with the A Defection to the Flood [edit] Thus I have chosen to commit my sizable resources to what is, for all inte force]. All that I have is now yours to do with as you see fit. —Mendicant Bias to the Gravemind Bias continued communicating with the Gravemind in an effort to find any p recorded in terminals found on Installation 00. After conversing with Mendi persuaded the ancilla to abandon the Forerunners and join the Floods caus rrogant and prideful as to deny the next step of evolution: the Flood. [5] The legend of the Mantle, the Forerunners had doomed the galaxy to eternal sta as for superior beings to restart it. These superior beings, unsurprisingly, ravemind and Mendicant Bias itself. The Primordial also convinced Mendic Precursors; Mendicant searched through the Domain for validation, and fou hat the Forerunners were working against the Precursors will. [6] lthough the forty-three year-long conversation logs between Mendicant Bi Forerunners, they believed that Mendicant would automatically fulfill its obj not intervene. [5] Convinced by the Primordials arguments and its apparent became the first major AI to succumb to the Floods later widespread logic p ctively worked toward their destruction. [3][7] cting under the Master Builders orders, the Mendicant Bias fragment on I uarantine system, killing all but few of the San Shyuum and disappearing s ith councilors deeming the use of such ultimate force a grave violation aga rial. [4] The remaining Halos were transported in orbit over the Capital, in p However, Installation 07 and its rampant Mendicant Bias fragment remaine ssault on the Capital [edit] Main article: Battle of the Capital n the middle of the tribunal against the Master Builder, Mendicant Bias un Forerunner Capital. Using the authority granted to it in the event of an eme ystems, disabled all ancillas and security constructs, and held the Ecumene rendering them immobile. It also gained control over the armor of Bornstell he was host to the memories and knowledge of the Didact. Through Bornste issued a verbal failsafe code, temporarily shutting Mendicant Bias down and ttack. [9] s the Capitals defenses came back online, Mendicant Bias attempted to sei apital by subverting its non-rampant fragments in control of the other ring rings, while the other seven resisted its control and attempted to escape thr Because of continued use, stress on the portal caused it to collapse, resultin nstallation 00 without breaking up. Mendicant Bias commanded the five Ha immense tidal forces, combined with sustained fire from the Capitals defen ransition, caused one of the rings to shatter. [10] At the conclusion of the ba managed to fire its main weapon, causing significant damage to the Capital, [ urvive by taking shelter deep within the structure. [12] onflict at Installation 07 and capture [edit] I have listened to the Domain. I fulfill the wishes of those who created us —Mendicant Bias to the IsoDidact. [6] fter the battle of the Capital, Installation 07—still under the control of Men planetary system near the galactic border. The jump was an automated fail-pre-determined collision course with a planet in the event it went rogue. Alt hemselves, Mendicant Bias and the Primordial intended to enlist humans a ictims to interface with the Halos controls and reposition the Halo in a way Mendicant extracted the humans ancestral memory imprints, claiming it w ommanders in the coming campaign against the Forerunners; this was alle humans carry out its vengeance on its creators. However, a portion of this Mendicant and the Primordial to convince the live humans to cooperate wit However, the Bornstellar Didact had tracked the installation down and upon isable Mendicant Bias. After the Didacts forces had successfully saved and Mendicant Bias was captured and forced to undergo a procedure to correct its parts were scattered throughout the ecumene for further study. [15] Return [edit] lthough Mendicant Bias remained neutralized for several years, the Foreru in the long run. The facilities its parts were distributed to were taken over by reassembled, and reactivated by a Gravemind, allowing the AI to return in c Following Mendicants defection, another metarch, Offensive Bias, had bee lacked Mendicants creativity, as well as its free will, [16] but was more metho ith derision, dismissing it as an inferior metarch. [17] ith reawakened Precursor star roads and millions of Flood-controlled ship rk, neutralizing the bulk of the remaining Forerunner population and their ffensive Bias and the firing of Omega Halo which cut a momentary openin Forerunners could do against the power of the Precursor structures. The de Forerunners with only one option: the galaxy-wide activation of the Halo Arr ssault on the Maginot Sphere [edit] What has taken you millennia to achieve, I erase in seconds. —Rampant Mendicant Bias [3] Mendicant Bias and the Flood were unable to disable the Halos directly, and o the only chance they had to stop the coming cataclysm was to secure the ormerly secret lesser Ark and stop the firing sequence from there. While it id not know the location of the Ark, it was aware of a method to reach it via pecifically designed slipspace portals and Keyships. Offensive Bias, which had managed to salvage a small number of ships from the greater Ark, was iven the task of preventing Mendicant Bias from accessing Installation 00, nd to buy time for the IsoDidact to activate the Halo Array. The Forerunner lso destroyed or disabled most of the Keyships to stall Mendicants assault. However, Mendicant Bias managed to locate one of the remaining Keyships. s the IsoDidact was preparing to activate the Array in the final hours of the million ships launched a massive attack on the Maginot Line and breached i mmediately after the Floods arrival, Mendicant Bias sent a coded message uarter and would destroy the Ark. Mendicant offered Offensive a chance to ffer. [19] At the Maginot Line, Mendicant was confronted by Offensive Bias a astly outnumbered by the Flood. This led to a final, titanic naval battle betw mistake was that it had come to hold the Forerunners in abject contempt: it hat it had become too confident of its own superiority and failed to anticipa battle, the Halos were fired and as the pulse swept through both fleets, the ere disabled, suddenly tipping the scales in Offensive Bias favor. In a matt nd defeated by Offensive Bias, who utilized the now-crewless ships with a r rial and sentence [edit] I am penitent. I know that what I have done can not be forgiven. I will ac where I might redeem myself. —Mendicant Bias accepting its judgement [21] fter the battle, Offensive Bias recovered Mendicant Bias personality constr tudy. [3] The IsoDidact placed Mendicant Bias on trial for betraying the ecu it had intimate knowledge of the Flood and could be called upon in case of t xile and entombed beneath a vast desert on the Ark with only one thought Later history [edit] Post-activation [edit] For eons I have watched. Listened to you misinterpret. This is not Recla bias and make amends... My makers are my masters. I willbringthemsaf —Mendicant Bias revealing the Covenants error and declaring his pena shard of Mendicant Bias personality construct array somehow found its w an Shyuum homeworld, Janjur Qom. [note 2] The ship was later found and e made it the centerpiece of the Covenant capital city, High Charity. Mendican ovenant, who came to regard it as an Oracle. For a new triumvirate of Hier he Oracle; however, this was only a formality often exploited for political m o have actually spoken in generations of the San Shyuums recorded histor Philologist, the leader of the ascetic priests allegedly speaking on the Oracle n 2525, Mendicant Bias fragment on High Charity was consulted by Ord C he Vice Minister of Tranquility; the pair wished to secure the large number heir plan to usurp the reigning Hierarchs and to thus inaugurate a new Age Rumnt, entered the data into the matrix, Mendicant came back online. In a hat the holy relics on Harvest were actually humans and that the Covena mistranslation. The glyph on the Luminary was mistaken as reclamation, potential to completely undermine the Covenants unity and faith. The two nd brought about their political revolution to prevent this, ultimately leadin Mendicant Bias realized that its actions against the Forerunners had been m intention to bring the Reclaimers to the Ark. To this end it attempted to le n act that would have seriously damaged High Charity. Mendicant Bias was ome Lekgolo worms that were wriggling inside the ship. The AI was more f rom commandeering the ship again. Human-Covenant War [edit] And so here at the end of my life, I do once again betraya formermaste do all I can to keep it stable - keep you safe. Im not so foolish to think thi balances billions. But I would have my masters know that I have changed. —Mendicant Bias to John-117. During the Battle of High Charity in November 2552, the UNSC AI Cortana f he dreadnought, allowing SPARTAN John-117 to board the vessel and retur Bias fragment was carried through the Voi slipspace portal to Installation 0 ith the part that had resided in the Arks systems for around one-hundred reconstruct itself to an extent and regain control over its processes, althoug intrusion in the facilitys systems. [3] n the Ark, Mendicant attempted to communicate with John-117 through te helping the Spartan. [3] The AI is also known to have manipulated the termin better suit its own aims, explaining some of the discrepancies between the message to the Spartan, Mendicant declared that it was at the end of [its] li nstallation 04Bs firing which obliterated the ring itself and severely damag Housings [edit] highly advanced and powerful AI capable of splintering itself into many independent instances, Mendicant Bias inhabited a number of different physical armatures. ne of Mendicants primary extensions, kept on Installation 07, was housed ithin an enormous, city-sized mass of data crystals, which hovered over a eb-like network of green hard light paths. This structure also contained a entral eye, and was ringed with blue hard light structures that vaguely resembled legs. Before Installation 07 was retaken by the Didact, this physical incarnation directly observed a group of humans that had been athered in the facility. [27] For movement across Installation 07, Mendicant Bias used a massive, two-meter wide monitor shell with a single green eye. [28] The fragment in the ovenants Forerunner Dreadnought was based within a smaller, teardrop-haped casing largely similar to that of a normal installation monitor, having single eye and a smooth, silver-like surface. [29] ne of Mendicant Bias fragments was apparently housed within a monitor-like, though more ornate, casing with three eyes and a glyph in the center a it turned rampant. However, this particular shell may not have existed as uch, since it has only been depicted in Cortanas visualized retelling of Forerunner history. [30] rivia [edit] The word Mendicant comes from the Latin Mendicans and describes th particularly from religious orders, who survive purely on charity and beg Bias is a preference to a particular perspective or ideology. It was given name by the Didact, who characterized him as a beggar after knowledge Mendicant Bias may be the source of the whispering voice heard distinct the Mausoleum Suite on the Halo 2 Original Soundtrack. There are obvio in the whispers and Mendicant Bias —both are imprisoned by memorie forgiveness, and both retain a sense of fatalist philosophy. Its voice may terminals shift and when the script changes from the original terminal originals become red. If the audio of the terminals shifting is played bac Mendicant Bias. In Origins, AdjutantReflexs symbol is depicted at the center of Mendican interpretation of the data she possessed on the Forerunner-Flood war, h used two distinct symbols in the Terminals on Installation 00. The same toward the end of Origins.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:16:59 +0000

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