Early morning Volvo bus ride to jaipur to attend association - TopicsExpress


Early morning Volvo bus ride to jaipur to attend association meeting very tough after 7 consecutive post midnight sleeping schedule. Yesterday we had our long very animated meeting with our top management at ho .management was represented by cmd sir ed hr gm hr and would be gm hr while our chairman president GS and me represented our association. After sharing grief over unfortunate suicide of sehgal sir we exchanged our views on how to prevent such incidents in future First item on agenda was placement of senior officers we wanted persons with right attitude and integrity to be promoted and posted as CH and fgm .management indicated that they will be more exhaustive in future. Second issue was audio video recording of review and business meetings at fgm and co level we made a strong case over it but management was apprehensive that this may hamper business growth and may not be a practical step we were not convinced with their arguments. Cmd sir said he has given a strong message to fgm and CH to behave properly in meetings with officers and requested to trust us I said sorry sir we can not trust because we have so many fgm and CH with uncouth and abusive behaviour that your words can not help us many of them are incorrigible so we must have a institutional mechanism to ensure compliance from their side after lot of debate management assured to revisit this agenda and it remained inconclusive . Next item was staff shortage particularly scale two and three .management agreed that there is shortage of 2 and three but what is solution because we can not take two and three from the market .I proposed that 1030 scale one officer has completed 21 months as on 30 June 14 held one more exam for scale 2 so at least each circle can get approx 15 new scale 2 to post incumbents in branches which is now headed by in many cases by officers on probation .management assured that they will examine the proposal .then we discussed pricing of products and decline in Q to Q business figure for which we all are worried .management indicated change in strategy Our GS insisted for financial help for sehgal sir family and job to his daughter our cmd was positive on this and said he has talked to the finance secretary and will pursue the matter further We also discussed discriminatory rotational transfer of IT officers management is in fix on this issue and searching the solution agenda remained unresolved Management requested us to call off our agitational programs we said we will discuss and get back to them soon After having a executive lunch of management I held one to one meeting with ed hr VM hrd and would be gm hr on various staff welfares and policy matters which I will share with you in a separate post Have a nice Sunday Tomorrow I will be in Meeruth
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:29:43 +0000

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