Early morning is a great time to just stare at the ceiling and - TopicsExpress


Early morning is a great time to just stare at the ceiling and think. The neighborhood is quiet, the house is quiet, its very peaceful. Its a great time to just lay there and stare at the ceiling and wonder how did this all happen. What, has become of my life. Where did I go wrong. Could I have done things differently? But then, if I did, what would it be like. Do you blame others? It is said that everything that happens later in life is a reflection of things that happened earlier in life. One minor event could have very well changed your future and the way you handled things. Do I blame my mother? If she had only let me have a hamster. I harbored resentment for many years because of that hamster. Was it too much to ask? I was only eight years old, how do you tell an eight year old he cant have a hamster. Or maybe it was my little league coach. I mean, I really do appreciate you giving me the opportunity to pitch, but did you really need to leave me on the mound and let me walk in 13 runs? What the fk were you thinking? Do you know the embarressment I suffered having all the parents booing me and yelling to take me out as you allowed me to throw 68 strait balls then finally the ump yanked me after, feeling the need to take matters in to my own hands, I threw a fast ball beaning Billy Keany right in the middle of the back. What kind of an idiot are you? I can still hear the laughter and the boos. I can still hear the other coach telling his players, Dont swing, just stand there. Four hours and seven more minutes till noon. Thank god
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:53:18 +0000

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