Early morning permie musings. I just came across philosopher Tom - TopicsExpress


Early morning permie musings. I just came across philosopher Tom Campbell, and his words on changing the world in this video give me comfort this morning. https://youtube/watch?v=qOmIkg2H4fg . If our capitalist value of getting as much as we can for as little effort as possible is damaging our lands and its inhabitants, then what new value do we strive for? I believe that practicing permaculture and building regenerative systems is one answer. The new value for me is heal the land. Tom tells me that I can only work on myself and through my own actions, I can influence others. A message of grassroots change--it starts with me. Setting up a permaculture system is not easy work, to start. Building a sheet mulch or designing a food forest requires physical and intellectual talents. But, I believe, deeply in my being, that this is what I need to do to effect change in our world. This means I need to get out there and get dirty, get to actually healing the land myself. So, this winter, I will build my strength with the shovel. And this morning, I will join the Denver Permaculture Guild to support others who feel the same. Happy Holiday season, everyone.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:59:13 +0000

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