Early morning thoughts: (August 7, 2014) The point has been - TopicsExpress


Early morning thoughts: (August 7, 2014) The point has been made that war is hell. It is hell, it is usually genocidal, and it is invariably inhumane. But the banksters and the military industrial complex love war – that’s how they make their money, and being the sociopaths they are, they don’t give a rip about how many innocents and soldiers get killed. They just want war. It is these sociopaths who must be removed from power. They’re killing us all. So, looking at the present Gaza extermination war from the Palestinian side, the Palestinian land was originally stolen from the native Palestinians by the US, the UK, and the UN in 1947, and these people haven’t wanted, and still dont want this land theft any more than we would like to have our land stolen from us. So, what does a people, who have no army, air force, or navy, do to repel invaders of their land? They practice guerrilla warfare, just as our colonists did in the early months of 1775. And, as much as some modern readers have seen living hell first hand in the Middle East, Ive read the UN docs that were the precursor to the Zionist takeover of Palestine. The Arab natives said clearly to the world that they did not want their land taken from them and that there would be resistance if it happened. The UN went on, at U.S. urging, and created Israel from Palestinian lands anyway, in spite of the fact the UN charter says they will never bugger with a countrys borders unless the inhabitants agree beforehand. This was pure and simple theft. The inhabitants were never polled and never agreed to the theft, and the resultant violence occurred just as predicted. The theft of the land was unlawful and unconscionable. A significant problem in the resultant genocidal war against the natives, however, is that the Israeli usurpers are supported financially and militarily by the Zionist tightly controlled U.S. government and the Palestinians are not. Talk about an unevenly matched war… Interestingly enough, UNGAR 181 which created Israel, has since been rescinded by the UN in 1988. Israel does not exist legally as a country. So why do we Americans support an illegal, rogue state anyway? Oh, yeah, I forgot – we are really Israel’s sock puppet, and that may be another really sad story. I find it interesting that a really small country can control a huge country as its slave and servant. Wow! Those Zionists are really clever, eh? Or are they just liars and frauds? Additionally, people around the world are starting to see and understand that every conflict in the Middle East has been initiated by the Israelis, and the current genocidal attacks on Gaza are just another example of an illegal Zionist war effort. Killing of the three Israelis appear to have been fictional (gee, another false flag attack), but if the Israelis were really killed, it appears likely that it was the IDF or Israeli controlled Hamas that killed them, not the Palestinians. Such crap. Now, thanks to the Internet, the extermination of the Palestinians by the Zionists has now been exposed to the world, and I saw one report this morning that shows Israel has lost 20% of their worldwide support. I view that as a good thing. Israel needs to be shunned and severely punished for its war crimes against its neighbors, and I suspect if it were not for the Sampson Option threat and the U.S. financial and military support, Israel would have received far more widespread condemnation long before now. No one likes the Israelis, but many fear them. That’s another sad commentary to make. And, maybe even worse, the Zionist controlled U.S. government is as complicit in the Israeli war crimes as is Israel, and the U.S. interference and war efforts in the Middle East must be stopped also. The American people, neocons and Christian Zionists aside, do not have any interest in supporting any war efforts anywhere, including the genocidal war in Palestine. The American people are nearly fed up with the DC crime syndicate posing as their federal government, and that too, is about time. Sadly, the U.S. government and the Zionists are doing everything they can to start a hot WW III, and if that happens, that could mean the end of human civilization. How’s that suit ya, America? To me, thats wrong and thats bad, and must be prevented from happening. The ruling elites are screwing everything up once again - all for profit and for power. As Fiona would ask, ’can we shoot them?’ So, while the Palestinians can be accused of performing certain horrible actions, they did not draw first blood - that honor goes to the Zionists who control Israel. And, BTW, seeing Israeli Jews in chairs on hillsides cheering on the IDF aerial bombing of Gaza does not earn the Jews any kudos from the rest of the world - it only earns the Jews the worlds condemnation. So, it would seem that if the Jews want any chance at a future, they had better regain control their own alleged government, and immediately stop the genocidal attacks on the rest of the world - most immediately the war on the people of Palestine. Civilized man does not wage continual war on others – maybe cave man did that, but civilized man does not. And Im sorry if you dont care for my analysis of this situation, but I dont believe anyone in the world likes having bombs dropped on them. It may be very Zionist to treat people like cattle (see the protocols), but in reality, its extremely inhumane, and once again the world appears to have turned against the horrible Zionists. But, thats a good thing, eh? ///
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:29:11 +0000

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