Early this morning I had the most extraordinary dream. The first - TopicsExpress


Early this morning I had the most extraordinary dream. The first part of the dream was very complex and deep, and I do not remember it. I know I was in an apartment in a city having a very deep discussion with others, and I think the topic might have been on death. Anyway the discussion had moved to a place where I knew it was time for me to leave. And I had come to the city as I wanted to buy light blue mascara. So I decided to move on with my mission. I was walking through the streets of the city, and I came to a construction zone. There was a new development being built for commercial properties and stores. A river had to be drained for the building projects to proceed. I know this sounds strange but this was a dream. The next part of the dream will be with me forever. I walked along the drained river bed. The sand was still wet. It was not like where I live where I walk along arroyos which are dry river beds. The sand in this river was still very moist and wet. As I walked the river started singing to me. The song was exquisite. And every new curve I came to in the river the song changed. I came to one part of the river where through the song symbols started appearing in the sand. I went back and forth the entire length of the river and kept listening to this beautiful song. The song remained constant depending on where I was on the river. I was so touched and moved by the beauty of this song and that the river was still singing although the water had been drained. I walked back to a group of construction workers. And there was one large Native American man with two very long braids. I thought to myself maybe he will listen to me. I told him my story that the river is singing. He looked at me and when I started crying he said he would walk with me and try to listen. We walked to the river bank and started walking the length of the river. At first there was only silence. And then a song emerged. It was different than the one I heard when I was walking alone, but it was song. I asked him if he could hear it. At first he could not. And then the song got stronger and louder. He looked at me in amazement as he heard the song. And together we walked the length of the river listening to the river sing. He went back to the group of other construction workers and said they had to stop the project for the river was alive and still singing. I left the group knowing they would stop the work. And then I went on to buy my light blue mascara. I woke up so touched by the dream and the song of the river! In the early 1970s I drowned in the ocean in Mazatlan and I experienced going through a tunnel and came into a light. I found myself in an extraordinary garden and sat a stone bench while I listened to most beautiful music that I will never be able to describe or have never heard in this earthly realm. The song of the river was like that. I have such a busy day and will be out for most of it. But my heart will be full, and I know I will quite emotional as I still have the vibration of the song of the river moving through me. Everything in life sings and the song is eternal.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:06:28 +0000

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