Early voting starts next Monday. For Austin Mayor, Im voting for - TopicsExpress


Early voting starts next Monday. For Austin Mayor, Im voting for Randall Stephens. New city council structure moving to a 10 district system. I live in District 9, downtown area. Im voting for Erin McGann. . The other stuff is a bit more difficult in the decision making, or perhaps more frustrating would be a better description. . I used to vote Libertarian or Republican quite a bit for various inside-the-state or county offices. But the Republican Party has thrown a huge wrench in that these last 5 years. All the pandering, promoting, proliferating, and empowering of the tea party hoopla has brought out every tom, dick, and harry that believes their blind dogma trumps all data, good governance, and common sense. Cant vote for that. Thats not what libertarian used to be. Not what Republican used to be. Cant vote for what theyve become. . Contrary to the optics outside our state, our Governor has extremely little power. That is, with exception of the administering of the death penalty. For governor I always vote for an independent candidate, but this time around I prefer to vote for the Democrat, Wendy Davis. But I cant vote for a pro-death penalty candidate, so I cant vote for her. Our previously mild-mannered Republican candidate is among those who have sold himself out, pandering with the tea party rhetoric. Less than 10% of our states voting age folks show up on election day, so it is best to pander to the most emotionally motivated crowd in such situations. But I cant vote for somebody that does that. . Lamar Smith [R] is my Congressman. His Party with he as a participant have screwd up what used to be my favorite TV channels. I used to be a CSPAN 1, 2, and 3 junky. They used to be the first TV channels I turned on in the morning and the last ones I watched at night. Thanks to congressional Republicans, the last 3 - 4 years I havent watched CSPAN except for state of the union speeches. Not one Senate or Congressional hearing. No lectures. No panel discussions. Nothing. All a waste of time to watch when people are saying all manner of pandering nonsense that they dont mean or believe and had never stated in their life time prior to Mr Obama taking office. Cant vote for that. . Non-tea party Independents, green party folks will be getting more of my votes than usual for quite a few offices. . I dont favor voting for judges. Would rather they be appointed. But we do vote for judges here. My policy in the past has been to avoid voting for liberals for judicial offices, avoid voting for conservatives for the legislature [unless its the U.S. Senate, they vote on U.S. Supreme Court justices]. That policy is now blown up by the folks that have altered the definition of the word conservative. Cant vote for that. . John Cornyn was on our state supreme court. He ran for U.S. Senate. I voted for him for his first term because, like our Governor Mr Bush, he campaigned on what used to be conservatism. He got in office, and like President Bush proceeded to engage in direct contradiction to most of the policy positions he campaigned on. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Cant vote for that. . The only policy I dont have to abandon this election cycle is the one I use for choosing between male and female candidates that dont have any disqualifiers. I always vote for the female candidate.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:44:29 +0000

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