Early yesterday morning I wrote a post on Relationships in Spanish - TopicsExpress


Early yesterday morning I wrote a post on Relationships in Spanish that got more of a response than i thought... So i decided to write the English version. Relationships: theres is a phenomenon that ive seen in young people for a while now and it has to do with relationships. I see people trying to rush into relationships, not wanting to feel alone or left out of things. I myself was one of those people! Up until now (ive been single for a year now lol) I couldnt be single for more than 3 months because i was so eager to fill that feeling of emptiness and loneliness with a relationship. At that time, thats what I thought my heart and soul desired. It wasnt until i decided to examine myself that I realized the true problem lied within my soul. The loneliness and emptiness i felt had nothing to do with wanting a girlfiriend. It was a natural feeling that every human being has when the communion (common union) between themselves and God is either unhealthy or dead altogether. I realized that I had become co-dependent with having a relationship to somewhat cope with the pain and loneliness my soul felt. When we lose that union with God, we begin to look for ways to fill the void we have inside. A God sized void can only be filled by God himself! Deep down inside we know what the real problem is but yet we still try to take the steering wheel of our lives and go our own way thinking that well manage without the master pilot (God) Once we finally realize that no matter what we try to do isnt gonna work, God comes in and turns us around and towards the direction we need to go. We tend to make decisions based upon how we feel and upon our emotions. We forget that the word of God says The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? (Jeremiah 17:9 NLT) We cannot go by our own emotions no matter how good things may seem. Despite all of this, God in his sovereignty and grace has already the plan and ultimate destiny for us! It might take us 40 years in the desert to finally surrender and allow God to work in our lives, or we can go straight to the promise land! When our connection with God is strong, we learn to delight in Him no matter the circumstance! Its in that delight in Him where he grants us the desires of our hearts. We must rest in His purpose and plan for our lives and He will show himself faithful! So the next time youre feeling lonely because you think youll stay single forever, or think that you have to marry the first Godly looking individual you meet, remember to put His will before yours! Allow God to be your provider, because He will grant the desires of your heart! The greater connection you have with God before getting into a relationship, the better life will be once you are in one! He will send the right person at the right time, and because you delight in Him, you will be able to love that person the way the bible teaches us to! Hope this blesses you! -Jon
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 05:10:30 +0000

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