Earn Historical facts about Egypt 99hakikh attention By the - TopicsExpress


Earn Historical facts about Egypt 99hakikh attention By the following entry shows historical facts about Egypt about 99 facts you might not know much about them, you can familiarize yourself with them and in historical research or in the culture at large a: historical facts about Egypt - assumed that the shape of the ancient Egyptian pyramids inspired by the spread of the sun radiation. - Was the father of his daughter young called Facebook Book Mark role in the Egyptian Revolution in 2011. Whose full name is Jamal Ibrahim Facebook. - In Egypt, about five million Internet users, Aktrmen every country in the Middle East. As of 2009, Egypt has had 20,136,000 Internet users and takes on the world level No.21 - Egypt has the largest population in the Arab world. - Full official name of Egypt, the Arab Republic of Egypt. - About 90% of the Egyptian Muslim (primarily years) 0.9% 0.1% Copts two surveys. - Long time of Pharaoh Baby II (branch Kara) (2246-2152 BC) for the longest period in the history of 94 years, has become the king of Egypt, when he was six years old. - Allegations that the pharaoh was distorting the second Bibi / coloring slaves naked honey fly away to gain from it. - Looks like the Egyptian flag flags Syria, Iraq and Yemen and consists of strips of colors of the Arab Liberation They are red, white and black with a golden eagle of Saladin in the white band. In the Egyptian flag, represents black oppression, and red for a bloody battle against injustice, and the bright white for independence. 83% - are illiterate Egyptians adapter and women 89% - one inch of rain falls per year in Egypt. -tattabr beginning of Egyptian history in general since 3200 BC when King Menes united the two countries (Upper and Lower Egypt) and the destruction of the family of origin replaced Persian rule in 341 BC and then by Greeks, Romans, Albezntin. Arabs and Islam and the Arabic language entered Egypt in the seventh century. -oaattabara From July 2011, the number of the Egyptian population 82,079,663, making it the 15th most populous country in the world. Since about 99% of the population, they live to about 5.5% of the country. Historical facts about Egypt -aattabr King Ramses II (212-1279 BC), the greatest pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire. Has decided to Egypt for 60 years and was the only Pharaoh who holds the title of largest. He has more than 90 children from around 56 boys and 44 girls. He had eight wives officially and about 100 mistress. As it was red and his hair, which was assigned bales. - Construction of the months and the largest pyramid at Giza as a place for the burial of King Khufu (2566-2589 BC) and took 20 years to build. And besides, more than two million blocks of limestone was built, which, in each case with a weight of up to two text of elephants And rising over 460 feet (149 m) higher than the Statue of Liberty. Remove the base of the pyramid to the nearly five football fields. - The ancient Egyptians believed that embalming ensures the way security for the dead to the afterlife. The process of mummification in two steps: first, embalming the body and then packing and bury the body. And in canopic tractor, every glass god saved. - The ancient Egyptians did not Ikmoa Balthanit individuals but also animals. Where archaeologists discovered a mummified length of about feet (4.5 meters), is mentioned in the books as co-religionists to the hearts of the people - was Alostoyrz made from the tail of the giraffe was important in popular fashion of ancient Egypt. - It has many privileges and rights as other women in the ancient world for women in ancient Egypt. For example, it has properties and do business and divorce. Can women to become doctors and priests in wealthy families. - In ancient Egypt, it brings all the men and women of the eye make-up, and they shot him with kohl. And be mixed from the raw materials with oil. They believed that he, anti-inflammatory eye possessed magical powers of healing and poor eyesight. - The bread, when the ancient Egyptians was the main meals and drink beer their favorite. They even had some liquor products in the tombs of the deceased, to ensure that they. Enough in the other world - I did the ancient Egyptians three different calendars: the daily calendar for agriculture, ephemeris, the lunar calendar. Agricultural Valtqoam consists of 365 days in three seasons every four months. Was on the astronomical calendar is based instructions Ng Sarroyos the the beginning of each year shows after the flood Finally, season the remains of the priest according to the lunar calendar that tells them when carrying out the rites of the moon god (Khun Su.) - Hieroglyphics have been 3000 arose before Christ and could have started earlier than the wall graphics, as opposed to the English language consists of 26 letters. - The construction of the Great Pyramid is taken in 2600 BC, the first step of the famous architect Imhotep Egyptian pharaoh Djoser. - The ancient Egyptians worshiped more than 1,000 different machine. And the most important is the patron god of the sun god. - During the long history of Egypt is known by many different names. For example, during the Old Kingdom (2134-2650), the KMT or black earth was called before Christ. What is dark and show rich soil in the Nile Valley, and was also used as Bdichert or red earth, which refers to the vast deserts of Egypt. Then, called pw Ka Ptah, and it means the seat of the god Ptah and other Greeks to Egypt. - Travel to include about 12% of the workforce in Egypt. - In 8000 BC, at the same time the fertile grasslands and savannas countries. Climate change and overgrazing. Began to change the region of basic pastoral desert. And now it is the largest desert in the world are 3,630,00 square kilometers, roughly the size of the United States, Antarctica is the largest desert in the world. -aattabr Pharaoh of Egypts first king Menes, who united the two countries in 3150 BC, was the capital of the united territory of Memphis and means (the balance of the two countries). Legend least he reigned for 60 years until he killed by King Hbmots. - The average age of the Egyptians about 72.66 years, which ranked 124 on the world level. Expected average age of men and 70.07 years female 75.38 years. Monaco have the highest average age of the world, 89.73 years in the United States, 78.37 years. - The birth rate is 2.97 children per in Egypt prince, who in the world the level of fertility at No. 66. Niger first place 7.60 children per woman, and the United States ranked 124 children per woman. - Egypt occupies position 30 in the world in terms of area is three times larger than Mexico. The borders of Egypt from about 386.560 square miles. (1,001,450 square kilometers) - Egyptian revolution began on 25 January 2011 after Christ. Egyptian protesters demands have focused on the lack of freedom of expression and police brutality and fair elections and corrupt government and rising unemployment and inflation and the continuation of the state of emergency. About 800 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured. President Mubarak Mohammad Hssne occurred on 11 February Egyptian revolution sparked revolutions in the Arab world, such as Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Jordan. - Shaven all men and women in ancient Egypt heads and often Makanwa wearing a wig to stay beautiful and free of lice and wigs is a reference to the social situation and the more fashion Alxsswart importance in ancient Egypt. Bear rich wigs made of human hair, when the poor wear wigs made of wool -. The ancient Egyptians were the first people to have the age and consists of 365 days divided into 12 months and also invented the calendar. - It is known that the Egyptian Imhotep Encyclopedia (the guy who comes in peace) was the first physician and the first engineer and the first architect. - Nile is the longest river in the world. A length of 4135 miles (6670 km). The ancient Egyptians measured with the Nile , a measure of the Nile depth. Nile English word from the Semitic word, that is, they are derived along the great river. In an attempt to control the annual flooding of the Nile has been building one of the largest dams in the world Aswan Dam, and unfortunately the rich mud and enriched in Lake Nasser after the construction of the dam down, forcing the farmers to one million tons of fertilizer to use. - The ancient Egyptians believed that the tears of the goddess Isis every year, causing the flooding of the Nile. Celebrate the flood and called it the fulfillment of the Nile - often mask was a priest wear when embalmed mummy as the god of death in the name (Anubis) known - the Copts in the fourth and sixth centuries, the largest area his Christ in Egypt and the Middle East, and because Alchristh Islam, the main religion of Egypt and the term meant an Egyptian Copts. - In France, the glass pyramid outside the Louvre Museum stands as a tribute to the ancient Egyptians and their world is amazing. - Was on a scale value things Maat, which means good leadership and honesty and justice, called. Maat the God of truth and the legend after which he weighs the heart of every Egyptian after death. - And the ancient Egyptian writer writes something and poured some water-based ink and a sacrifice to the god Thoth Hermes patron of writing and education. And believe that the Astia be written in the strength of God. - The ancient Egyptians believe that God Thoth is the inventor of writing and its secret transmission to humans. Code and him and the bird Abumngel. - Americans 150 years ago and thought that the mummy Alourbin have great therapeutic power for all kinds of diseases. - The start of the title of Pharaoh king of Egypt, which means the big house, was even used Descendants No. 20 (1185-1070) BC. - The Great Pyramid openings hand Planet Orion refers to the spirit of the mummy fly directly to God - the ancient Egyptians believed that they made from the mud by the river god. - In ancient Egypt, every city a big favorite was God. On those models now promote football. - The ancient Egyptians expectations when flood of the Nile was the first development in the world calendar. - Mexico and not Egypt has the largest pyramid in the world was built pyramid Chola in about 100 years, although it covers a length equal to 40% of the length of the Great Pyramid of Giza on the other hand, 39.5 hectares, and the Great Pyramid covers 13 hectares. In addition, the Mexican pyramid has a volume of 4.3 million cubic meters. While most 3,360,000 cubic meters of space in the pyramid. - Egyptian pyramids are not the oldest Wonders of the World, but only stay up to date. There are six other miracles - Hanging Gardens of Babylon - the Temple of Artemis - the Statue of Zeus at Olympia - the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus - Statue Rodrs - Lighthouse of Alexandria. - Books of the Old Ahmose Egyptian writer for the oldest working survive mathematics was in 1560 BC, where they Papyrus athlete Ryan. Admission entitled to know about all the activities and all the mysterious secrets. - Were found recorded in Papyrus Amhearst on the oldest sentence of death in ancient Egypt. Was in the 1500 teen mentioned before Christ was sentenced to prison and killed himself, either toxic or irritant. - Used to write Alheiroglfah only for the purpose of the ritual and official inscriptions. The ancient Egyptians to write to Alheiroukratih for everyday use. In the second half of the 700 BC Copts surveys demotic use. - The ancient Egyptians when they put their design Almcypr Ikmoa guard, to care for them and food - the oldest record device added weight Bekaa, a unit of the ancient Egyptian language, equal to 7.45 to 6.66 per ounce, which is still so is widely used. - In 2011, he discovered the Egyptian statue of Amenhotep III (grandfather of Tutankhamun moon) and was one of the largest statues discovered for the first time in 1923 - suffered ancient obelisk known Needle Cleopatra further damage, as he stood in the Maant New York, when he was in Egypt. - And despite the fact that the popular notion that the Nilotic forces have broken the nose of the Sphinx, but show the diagram of the Sphinx from 1737 that without the nose and that 60 years ago, before the advent of Nbleon forces after Egypt. - Scientists believe that the ancient Egyptians first used the seam 4000 years ago. Often Egyptian doctors had put Ikmoa surgical needle in a bowl Ogeoffh birds. - Hippo and have considered bad omens and was associated with the god of evil. They were more dangerous than crocodiles, where they turned the boats to travel into the Nile. - Judgment of the first person in Egypt Meri for tax evasion 100 blow to his crime. - Medical examinations discovered that parasites such as worms were a problem for the ancient Egyptians. It was a common / circulating parasites Guinea worm has been to three oldest growing in the human body and the year after he graduated from under the skin. - In Egypt: they as children usually also the grace girl. It was the Greeks sometimes leaving infants non grata (mostly girls) outdoors to die and discoveries have shown that the Egyptians did not. - Papyrus Berlin included (1800 BC), the oldest and most famous pregnancy test. - It depends test urination grain was grown with urine and barley graduated eat, if it means that a woman pregnant with a male and when they grew wheat pregnant girl. If there was no growth they are not pregnant. And to keep the nose of Ramses II before the collapse of the nose stuffed peppers pills fills. - The Beetle when the ancient Egyptians put life after death and rebirth from death. - The ancient Egyptians were placed in the tombs of some of the toilets. - Some people blame the staff for the sinking of the Titanic on the Egyptian priests wore stuffed them. - House Beautiful is the house of embalming in ancient Egypt. - The British King Charles II (1630-1685) Bdek dirt with mom he thought the size of the recovered it. - Contrary to popular belief, a kilo of Petra, in fact, Greek, Egyptian and not African. If Angelina Jolie has the role of Cleopatra in 2011. Many thought that they American and African origin. Some believe that the role should the Greek origins go like Jennifer. - And near Mount tuna edge of the Western Desert in Egypt, scientists have more than four million birds mummy discovered how fear. - If in 15 minutes wrapped Rmiss second in 1886. Where his body was contaminated with bacteria, fungi, and the letters I ate something in nothing. 1975. Scientists are using gamma rays to sterilize his body and Takrene from germs. - Called the first of the mummification process, the Ripper - launched the Egyptian pyramids, Mir, which were searched in English. And Pyramids English word of Greek origin, a kind of cake in the shape of a pyramid. - If the Great Pyramid into cubes 12 inches it is enough dice to the moon revolve not be nearly three times. - Pharaohs were buried with their servants early - shows the pyramid of power or knowledge of the pyramids that the Al-Ahram strong Temtllk supernatural. For example, in 1959 he received the Czech Karel Durable radio engineer patented the idea that Alohramataat increases the severity of razor blades. - Banned / blocked Egyptian Ministry of Health of female genital mutilation in 1996, except in emergencies. - According to legend, the first mom and Osiris, who was killed at the hands of Seth, and was known as the god of the dead known. - The sludge may put a pillow under the skin of her mother, fake eyes of the onion industry you. - Dress the oldest in the world 5000 years ago in Egypt. - The ancient Egyptians and the presence of Mercury, Venus, Zouhl, Mars, Jupiter known, and they have the names of SIPC (Mercury) have the God of the morning (Venus) Heaven Saturn Revolution Red Horus (Horus). - the Nile was the ancient Egyptian mystery of the ancient Unlike most other rivers flowing from south to north and floods in the summer and no one knows the water source, Low researchers then the source of the Nile water in East Africa after 15 years -.. the ancient Egyptians were the first known animal husbandry -. There were three pharaohs of the women and was the largest Hatshepsut (1498-1483 BC). - It is believed that the Sphinx guarding the three pyramids at Giza and it has usually built to the to protect graves -. It is known that all the tombs of the Kings Pharaohs had been intercepted in the hands of thieves, except Does Anj Amon cemetery and ruled from (1334-1342) BC It was discovered in 1922 and was with materials. filled priceless and beautiful works. - When the ancient Egyptians, the world began the development of a shepherd god (god of the sun), that the body of life and goodness and light and energy and the rotation of the heavens and the earth. - Egyptian wigs women fatty substance covers that give a wonderful smell hit. - Keep records of the ancient Egyptians to the flooding of the Nile, the scientists use today to find out for rain, the best times of the year. - Scientists believe that the Ankh symbol called Christian cross of old also seems that Khalid button. - Since the hieroglyphics no vowels, we do not know how the ancient Egyptians pronunciation language. - Greeks Egyptian hieroglyphics symbols Ali (Alheiroglfah = + Sculpture sanctification) because they saw carved walls of temples and other sacred places. - During the 2011 Egyptian revolution, some protesters women work virginity important gods in ancient Egypt: - Amon, the king of the gods and the god of fertility and the wind - Anubis, God of the cowardly and is connected to Balthanit. - Bastet: the god of war, has the head of a cat or lion - Hathor: God of women and love, the statue of the CCAMLR woman holding a crown, which consisted of two solar disk between them or a cow or a lioness. - Horus: the God of heaven, as a falcon. - Aziz: Osiris wife tabs in the hand symbol of life and carry on his head a crown-shaped throne. - Osiris, the god of the Governor of the worlds other mummy in the form of a man with a crown. - Petah: God is the creator of each and art industry - Re: Sun God, has the head of a falcon and holds a sun disc. - Seth: the God of the desert, and the war and storms .ldi head in the form of an unidentified animal.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 13:10:44 +0000

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