Ears to Hear, Hearts to Obey Good morning, We all know that once - TopicsExpress


Ears to Hear, Hearts to Obey Good morning, We all know that once we are born, we are on a natural course to grow up, it is the same once we are born-again. We should consistently grow up in all things spiritually. Our character becoming more and more like our Father. Also growing in the knowledge of Him and His will and purposes for us. " Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation." (1 Peter 2:2) "But grow in the grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..." (2 Peter 3:18). A plant left alone by itself, trying to do it’s own thing, trying to weed itself, all by itself just trying, that plant can only grow so high because the weeds keep cropping up a day later, 2 days later. And they are so powerful that they overtake the garden you have been trying to tend. But I hear the spirit of the Lord saying, but I Am the garden keeper and I am excellent at what I do and when I pull up the weeds it is from the root. I do not deal with what you see on the top, and that is why it is taking Me time, time that others would not allow because they thought I was taking too long. But because you endured and was patient and because you allowed and you let Me, even when you could not comprehend what I was doing, you will shoot forth. Your plant, your growth will exceed any natural limitations that this world or the church world has placed upon you. Because you have allowed Me by staying in the soil that I have planted you in, no matter what it looks like and have been faithful to My Word. Now the sun is about to break through in a new level and to a degree that up until now has never been known before, you will exceed limits and it will be supernatural. And then all the other plants that were in the same field who refused to allow and let Me, they will begin to dissipate and die because the weeds will choke the life from them, but you will grow and by your growth weeds will have no place any longer around you. By your submission to Me, weeds will die at the very mention of My name. Weeds will begin to disintegrate at the presence of the anointing that you will walk in, says the Lord. They will not entangle your heart and your mind any longer, but you will excel and grow says the Lord. This is our season. This is our season, says God. This is our season, says your Father. This is our season, says the Son. This is our season, says the Spirit. This is our season. Hallelujah! Understand this My children, most of the weeds that you will see will be selfishness, bitterness, envy, and hatred. These are the enemies of the kingdom, says the Lord, and you will begin to see the love of God supersedes everything in your life. And when you do that says the Lord, you will have come to the place that I have desired My children to come to all along, that’s maturity to Me, that’s growing up to Me, that’s how I manage and check the growth of My children. For I said that if you love Me you will keep My word and that’s how I determine how you love Me, not by your words alone, not by any of the other things that you do, but by walking in My great love that I have given unto you. The same love that I show to you every morning, every day and I am faithful and I have never stopped giving you My love with mercy and grace. Mercy because there are times in your life that you have done things and you don’t deserve the goodness that I give you so I give you mercy. Grace, grace when you don’t qualify for those things that I give unto you. I enable you and strengthen you, that is who I Am and that is who you must be, says the Lord, just like Me. "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;" ( Psa. 92:14). " Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:" ( 1 Peter 2:1-2). "But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him." (1 John 2:5). Love, Pastor D.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:30:22 +0000

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