✣ Earthing - Grounding ✣ In the same way that modern - TopicsExpress


✣ Earthing - Grounding ✣ In the same way that modern buildings and appliances are grounded, placing your bare skin directly on the Earth physically grounds you. This grounding prevents a buildup of electricity and any potential interference that may occur as a result of that electrical buildup. While the practice of grounding is standard in the care and maintenance of current construction, somehow we’ve glossed over applying this understanding to our own bodies. We have, faithfully, been blocking the current from the Earth for years, the precise current, the flow, that we’re designed to be connected to 24 hours a day. The Earth is a limitless source of free electrons that stream into the body only when it is grounded. This infusion of negative ions from the Earth into the body and the discharge of destructive positive ions is essential for well-being. Negative ions are associated with vitality, good health, and healing. The more time you spend grounded, the less inflammation you are likely to experience, resulting in improved overall health, a sense of calmness, clarity, and vitality. Jumping into a body of water or simply touching the Earth with bare feet starts the process of these negative ions cascading up through your body clearing out positive ions. There are crazy, wonderful amounts of research now underway showing that the process of grounding yourself or connecting with the Earth holds collective and diverse benefits for both the physical body as well as mental and emotional harmony. Just touching the bare Earth with your hands or feet actually transfers these damaging free radicals into the Earth, away from your body! While that stream of harmful free radicals shifts out, a stream of electrons shifts in. These electrons restore balance and a rich overtone of tranquility to your entire system—your muscles, tissues, bones, brain pathways. The benefits are wildly attractive. Again, they are free and almost so easy that they can be readily dismissed by those looking for a more complex path to atonement and wholeness. Being barefoot easily conjures the feelings of freedom, peace, and simplicity. What is often the norm for young children, playing outside, .... Reflecting back to the boundless energy, serene qualities and the quick-healing nature of childhood holds vast insight. Cheers to never outgrowing foot to Earth play! According to emerging research, Earthing can be beneficial in: • Reducing inflammation by defusing excess positive electrons • Reducing chronic pain • Improving Sleep (I can vouch strongly for this!) • Increasing Energy (I noticed this also) • Lowering stress and promoting calmness by reducing stress hormones. • Normalizing biological rhythms including circadian rhythm • Improving blood pressure and blood flow • Relieving muscle tension and headache (I noticed this) • Lessens menstrual and female hormone symptoms • Speeds healing- used in some places to prevent bed sores • Can eliminate jet lag • Protecting the body from EMFs • Shortens recovery time from injury or athletic activity • Reducing or eliminating snoring • Helping support adrenal health HAPPY BAREFOOTING ;))) Ecerpts; organiclifestylemagazine/earthing-touching-earth/ wellnessmama/5600/how-to-get-healthy-while-you-sleep/ Image Source; The Smiling Soul
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:18:33 +0000

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