East Cork Households Kept In Dark Over Water Charges – - TopicsExpress


East Cork Households Kept In Dark Over Water Charges – O’Sullivan East Cork Journal April 24th “Water system needs to be upgraded before charges come into effect” East Cork Fianna Fáil Candidate Aaron O’Sullivan has accused the Government of putting politics before people by refusing to disclose the extent of water charges facing local households. O’Sullivan claims that the Government is delaying the announcement on water charge amounts in order to salvage votes in the upcoming Local and European Elections. “It is disgraceful that households who are trying to manage their budgets are still being left in the dark about the water charges that will kick in from October. This secrecy is completely unnecessary. Fine Gael and Labour are refusing to be upfront with households because they are afraid they will lose votes in May,” said O’Sullivan. “The Government parties are trying to save their own skin and are avoiding answering more questions ahead of polling day on May 23rd”. The legislation was guillotined through both Dáil and Seanad Éireann with little or no debate in order to avoid any meaningful scrutiny”. “The scandalous revelations of the overspend on consultants and the dishonesty of the Government with regard to the set up costs of the Irish Water is startling and has vindicated concerns that Irish water is a new ‘Super Quango’. The Government now shamefully expects struggling families to pay for the perks of a few”. “Cynical government spin regarding the arrival of water bills is simply calculated to delay the political damage until after the May elections. All the while it has not provided any detail on how it is supposed to achieve its €2bn target in savings while families across East Cork are left unable to estimate their household budgets”. “It’s an added insult to East Cork households who will soon be clocking up charges for a completely inferior water service. Many communities across this area have been plagued by poor water quality and are regularly subjected to boil water notices and now they will be expected to pay for this inadequate service”. “Approximately €800 million of taxpayers’ money has been spent on setting up the Government’s new Super Quango Irish Water, paying for exorbitant consultancy fees, staff bonuses and perks, and on installing water meters. The disgraceful €20,000 wasted designing the logo of Irish Water confirms that Fine Gael and Labour are reckless with the public purse and are not interested in providing value for money for already struggling householders”. “Not one cent of the €800 million has been spent on the water system. This proves that the Government’s claim about this being all about an improved service is completely bogus”. “Rather than upgrading our water supply, the entire focus of the Government and Irish Water has been on setting up a corporate entity to place an added charge on already struggling families. The people of East Cork will not see any improvement in the water services – only an unknown charge that will come into effect after the local elections”. “Householders should be warned that any initial charge for water will be contingent on Government subvention to the tune of €537 million. Big Phil has stated that it is his intention that Irish Water be self sufficient. The Government has conveniently failed to explain that householders will bear the brunt of this cost and the water charges imposed on families will increase dramatically beyond the projected costs”, warned O’Sullivan. “I believe that the introduction of water charges should only occur subsequent to a comprehensive national audit of the network. This audit should form the basis for an overall upgrade of the network to ensure it is fit for purpose based on national standards and that people should only have to pay for a service that works”, stated O’Sullivan. “I am calling on Fine Gael and Labour Local Representatives across East Cork to show some courage and start being honest with people about the charges that are coming down the line rather than attempting to kick the issue to touch in the hope of saving their seats”, concluded O’Sullivan.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 13:09:23 +0000

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