Easter Fatigue; It’s that what many are feeling today? It’s - TopicsExpress


Easter Fatigue; It’s that what many are feeling today? It’s back to work, back to school, back to the routine. The High Holy days within Christianity have just passed. In Jerusalem, and after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, things got really tense. The small band of believers were going to be hiding out for fear of the Jews. Jesus had appeared unto over five hundred people, and had breathed upon the disciples, and said, “Receive ye the Holy Spirit” Jn. 20:22. He then gave them instruction to “tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” before he ascended into heaven. For forty-seven days, from the resurrection to the Day of Pentecost, the infant church would patiently, and obediently await the coming supernatural empowerment, the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Church historians, scholars, and theologians claim that the Day of Pentecost was the birthdate of the church: WRONG. The Church was born the day Christ came back from the dead, from the tomb, and breathed Eternal Life, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, upon the disciples. He was the firstborn of many brethren, and they were the first to follow in spiritual re-birth. The baptism John the Baptist promised that Jesus would provide came at the empowerment of the Church to boldly, fearlessly, and with sacrificial abandon, preach the gospel to the most hostile of all people, in the very epicenter of hatred for the Lord, to the Jerusalem Jews, High Priest and the Sanhedrin notwithstanding. The infant church grew exponentially that day by three thousand new converts. What turned the fear-filled disciples, hiding out for their lives, into bold evangelists? The Mighty Holy Spirit. “In the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh” Acts 2:17. Worldwide evangelism had begun. Within the next thirty years, the gospel would go from Jerusalem to Rome. However, within sixty years, some of the churches would begin to fall away. The Lord Himself would send them a message: “Repent, and do your first works over again” was one of the messages he sent. Today, Christ is sending that same message to thousands of churches in America. National revival, a great awakening is coming to this EXCEPTIONAL NATION. The Holy Spirit is bringing America back to God. Our Christian Heritage is going to be heralded again, and our Christian Consensus is going to be re-established. Millions are going to be gathered into the family of God, and the Church will learn again what it means to “worship God in spirit and in truth.” Take a deep breath, get out your STUDY Bible, and prepare your feet with the preparation of the gospel. America is returning to God. The Holy Spirit is here now. The internet is going to carry the message to the whole world. The Virtual Classroom is in session, 24/7. Billy Falling, Pastor and Headmaster, The Internet Church, International.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 15:24:31 +0000

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