Easter sabbatical observations. Today was a beautiful Lords Day. - TopicsExpress


Easter sabbatical observations. Today was a beautiful Lords Day. A beautiful Easter Day. I watched the Sun rise over the Rincons this am and was in awe of the beauty of the new dawn. I went to the Gathering and was taken in by the singing of O Glorious Day. I talked to my daughters and was delighted by their beauty. I am sitting by the pool gazing up at Mars, the stars and the night sky filled with beauty. I love it. Questions flood my mind in light of all this. Why do humans love beauty? Why do we value it? Why is there beauty in the first place? Why do we humans create and attempt to surround ourselves with things that have the aroma of beauty? Beauty, like pleasure, is NOT an evolutionary necessity. Think about that. As far back as we can find traces of humanity we also find creations of beauty ... works of art. Why would a hunter/gatherer with a life on the margins of starvation paint magnificent works in a cave 30,000 years ago? Why did these ancient people have a desire and appreciation for beauty? Why do we find Orion and flowers beautiful? Bees dont! Why do we strive to recreate that beauty and value it highly? Does not Easter give us a clue?? What if beauty, that reality that isnt a necessity of evolution, is the manifestation of the divine in our world? What if beauty is simply the goodness of God breaking into this fallen world that was created to BE beautiful? What if humans are simply imaging God himself with the impulse to create works of art? God the beautiful artist places his own beauty in the world and humans mimic God when they do the same. Easter tells us that the beauty in the world is not by accident ... it is both the echo of the Garden and a sign of world that is breaking in because of the Resurrection. Humans appreciate beauty because of God. Humans create beauty because of God. Beauty is a sign of redemption. Just some Easter sabbath musings I thought I would share. Think about beauty and how profound it really is that you can appreciate it. Shalom.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 04:51:35 +0000

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