Easy & Productive Memorization of Surah Ar Rahman Posted on July - TopicsExpress


Easy & Productive Memorization of Surah Ar Rahman Posted on July 23, 2013 As salamu aleycum wr wb everyone, I was extremely excited and confident before I started memorizing Surah Ar -Rahman, I had previous knowledge that this surah consisted of a refrain that repeats itself 31 times and I was like yeahhh…! this one is going to be no biggie! because I have 31 verses memorized already. The reality was far from the above outburst of enthusiasm – the refrain is what makes it tough – as you memorize you get confused because there is so much repetition of a single verse. I devised this table to make it easy for me – where by I will ensure effectively learning the rough translation from Quran plus memorizing this beautiful Surah – I am also studying it’s tafseer this Ramadan (if you are interested check out linguisticmiracle/). I sincerely pray this benefits everyone who wants to memorize Surah Ar-Rahman. Follow this table and I pray Allah makes it easy for you – ameen. For more curious minds: I use house of quran website and Shaykh Maher Al Muqaily’s recitation Verse Number Starts With? Talks About? 1 Ar Rahmam Allah’s Infinite Mercy 2 Allama Quran 3 Khalaqa Created Man 4 Allama Speech and Eloquence 5 Ash Shamsu Sun & Moon 6 Wannajmu Stars & Trees 7 Wassama Heaven & its Balance 8 Alla Tat No Transgressing & Balance 9 Wa-aqee-moo Justice & Balance 10 War Arda Earth 11 Feeha Fruit and Palm Trees 12 Wal-Habbu Grain & Scented Husk 13 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 14 Khalaqa Created man from Clay 15 Wakhalaqa And jinn from smoke 16 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 17 Rabbu Two East & West 18 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 19 Maraja Two Seas 20 Baynahuma Barrier & No Transgression 21 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 22 Yakhruju Pearl & Coral 23 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 24 Walahu Ships,Seas,Mountains 25 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 26 Kullu Man Earth will perish 27 Wa – Yabqa Only the face of Lord Remains 28 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 29 Yas – aluhu Heaven & Earth 30 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 31 Sanaf rughu Attending Jinn & Men 32 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 33 Ya Ma-Shara Cannot Pass without Allah’s authority 34 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 35 Yursalu Fire & Smoke 36 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 37 Fa-itha Heaven Splits & Becomes Red 38 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 39 Fayawma No Question about sin 40 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 41 Yu-rafu Criminals & their marks 42 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 43 Hathihi Hell & Criminals 44 Yatoofoona Boiling Water 45 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 46 Waliman 2 Gardens for the fearful 47 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 48 Zawata Spreading Branches 49 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 50 Feehima 2 Springs Flowing 51 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 52 Feehima Every Fruit in pairs 53 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 54 Mutakki Silk Brocade, Fruits hanging in the garden 55 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 56 Feehinna Women untouched 57 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 58 Ka-anna-hunna Rubies & Coral 59 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 60 Hal Jaza Good for Good 61 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 62 Wamin 2 Gardens 63 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 64 Mudhammatan Dark green in color 65 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 66 Feehima ayni 2 Springs Sprouting 67 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 68 Feehima fakiha Fruit, Date Palm, Pomegranate 69 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 70 Feehinna Good-Beautiful Women 71 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 72 Hoorun Fair Beautiful Females 73 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 74 Lam Yatmith hunna Untouched by Men or Jinn 75 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 76 Muttaki eena Reclining on Cushion & Fine Carpets 77 (Refrain) Fabbi Remember Allah’s Favors 78 Tabaraka Owner of Majesty & Honor
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:36:16 +0000

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