Easy come, easy go. Things gained in a dishonest manner are soon - TopicsExpress


Easy come, easy go. Things gained in a dishonest manner are soon to perish. Moral is if you want something work for it, dont take the easy road there. Im a living breathing example of gaining material possessions in stupid ways. You want to be rich? Gain knowledge, for knowledge is power and with knowledge comes wisdom. I dont make these status to make people angry or single any of my friends out. I make them because I myself have done a ton of stupid stuff over the past few years, I got caught up in the promises of the world, trying to fix everything and do everything on my own. In the end I lost everything BUT gained everything through God. I gossiped I stole I lied enough lies to last me a few lifetimes I hurt the people I care the most about I was constantly bitter and angry questioning God of why he was letting so many bad things happen to me. There have been a few monumental people in my life to help steer me back on the road I need to be on. I wouldnt be writing this status if they hasnt believed in me and cared enough about me, that even though I wronged them so many times they were alwys there for me. And also those who have been praying for me I appreciate everything more then you know. All of this being said I am still a work in progress and will be for the rest of my life, Im sorry if I offended anyone in this status, also if youre in a low time if youre life and think no one cares. Your WRONG God cares. If you need some one to talk to leave me an inbox!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:57:06 +0000

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