Eating the same foods (almost) everyday is how I lost over 150lbs - TopicsExpress


Eating the same foods (almost) everyday is how I lost over 150lbs and how I have maintained my weight loss nearly 12 years later Reason #1 – Necessary for long term success. Eating different meals every day, just doesn’t work long term. Because it’s simply too much work, especially when you’re starting out. Eating the same meals every day is a smart habit, because it kills two birds with one stone. It will greatly simplify your life and it will also help you build muscle at the same time. By adopting smart habits, you’ll maximize your chances of getting past the initial and subsequent urges to quit. Reason #2 – Easier to track Eating the same meals every day, will allow you effortlessly track your daily food intake. It’ll probably take you less than 3 minutes to record everything that you’ve eaten throughout the day. But why do you want to track what you eat, I hear you say? Well, to put it in simple terms, you can’t manage what you don’t measure. You can’t manage your body weight, if you don’t measure your caloric/food intake. Reason #3 – Easy food preparation Unless cooking is your passion, forget experimenting with new recipes. First of all, you’re going to lose precious time, searching the internet for a recipe worth testing out. Secondly, you’re going to waste insane amounts of time, preparing and cooking the food. Thirdly, don’t get me even started about washing dishes … sweet Raptor Jesus! Every time I tried a new fancy recipe, I spent an hour cleaning up the aftermath in the kitchen. Reason #4 – Costs less money By eating mostly the same foods every day, you’ll be able to cut down on your food expenses. Trying out new recipes costs a lot more money than sticking to the same, delicious meals. Besides the financial cost, there’s also a time cost associated with being creative in the kitchen. Also worth mentioning, is the time you’re going to save by visiting the supermarket every few days instead of every day. To me, time is the single most precious commodity. Reason #5 – You’ll become more disciplined Aristotle really nails it with the following statement. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle It takes quite some discipline to develop the habit of eating the same meals. It’s definitely not an easy task, since it requires you to do some planing every day. Rest assured that this discipline, will also be carried over to other areas of your life.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:41:50 +0000

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