Eating well on a date Going out on a date is a beautiful idea, as - TopicsExpress


Eating well on a date Going out on a date is a beautiful idea, as it affords you the opportunity to unwind with someone you may likely spend a considerable part of your life with if everything goes well. However, if you choose the wrong food, you might haphazardly gulp down 2,000 calories and end your night before it ever really begins. But if you indulge smartly, cut your total intake in half, and tap into Mother Nature’s most potent passion-stoking treats along the way, you might be going home with a big smile on your face — not to mention the promise of a follow-up. Here, we show you how to do just that, providing you with the smart food choices and surprising tips to ensure that this is your healthiest, and hottest, date ever. •Chocolate: White chocolate isn’t chocolate at all. In fact, it contains exactly 0 per cent cacao, which means it contains none of the libido-boosting, feel-good chemicals found in dark chocolate. When it comes to chocolate, the darker the better; so, look for bars with at least 60 per cent cacao. •Appetiser: Serving crustacean with mayonnaise, breadcrumbs, and a fryer full of bubbling oil is unhealthy. Take the seafood au naturel (or maybe with just a squirt of lemon juice or a dip of cocktail sauce), and you’ll benefit from a low-fat, high-protein treat loaded with sperm-boosting, libido-stoking zinc and mood-brightening omega-3 fatty acids. •Dinner: Take lamb meat. Besides being surprisingly lean, lamb packs plenty of protein, which boosts production of dopamine and norepinephrine, hormones that increase alertness and assertiveness in the bedroom. It’s also a great source for zinc—a mineral that boosts libido by reducing your body’s production of a hormone called prolactin, which may interfere with arousal. •Carbs: Avoid refined carbohydrates, such as pasta, breads, and cake, at all costs. These burn quickly, which spikes blood sugar. Besides setting both men and women up for an energy crash, a blood sugar spike also creates a surge of insulin, which raises blood pressure. And high blood pressure is the enemy of sturdy, reliable erections. Dessert: British scientists have discovered that women release four times more endorphins after eating chocolate than they do after making out. Plus, the cocoa in chocolate contains methylxanthines, stimulants that increase your body’s sensitivity—ensuring that your skin registers even the slightest touch or movement against it. Strawberries are packed with anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant that helps with bloodflow below the belt. Raspberries have them too, but the sauce that comes with your huge hunk of fatty cheesecake is likely cloaked in sugar, with only a few token berries floating around.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:33:16 +0000

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