Ebola - the what me worry epidemic I find it typical of the - TopicsExpress


Ebola - the what me worry epidemic I find it typical of the elites who run our country, including the CDC, that they keep telling us over and over not to be worried about Ebola - how its next to impossible to catch it - as we watch the most knowledgeable and most protected medical personnel catching it! But, surely of all people they certainly knew enough not to touch the infected persons. Didnt they? The masters of the universe really do treat the American people like we are total idiots. After all these vaunted precautions and protocols, (dont you love their Orwellian double speak) theres a case in Texas! Apparently this poor unfortunate was turned away from the hospital with antibiotics so he could continue to wander around Dallas for another couple of days before he dragged his infected body back to the same hospital that had told him he was just fine. Now were being told, once again, not to worry, its all under control. But even if this sick person recovers (and we all hope that he does) and even if no others are infected by contact with him - taxpayers will have to pick up the tab for millions upon millions of dollars for highly skilled and qualified staff to track down everyone he may have been in contact with. Then, if any of these persons might be infected they too must be quarantined while everyone they had contact with is tracked down, located and tested. And so on and so forth. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of doctors and medical technicians and ambulance drivers and orderlies and police personnel scurrying about, criss-crossing the state of Texas and beyond! Tens of millions of dollars spent and a nation at risk of a deadly virus all because were told we shouldnt be worried. If the elite authorities who run our country and run rough shod over our lives were worried as much as we are they would not allow entrance to America by anyone whos from any of the epidemic plagued countries of West Africa, whether they be citizens, residents or travelers - until the Ebola virus has been eradicated in those countries. But oh how the travel industry would squeal! We cant do that to the airlines, hotel chains and maid services! They might lose revenue. So, instead of these multinational companies risking losing some of their profits, the America taxpayer must shell out tens of millions of dollars and have their families put at risk to one of the most deadly diseases - to which no cure is yet known. The West African countries where this epidemic is running rampant deserve all the humanitarian aid and the very best medical care the World Health Organization, the CDC and advanced first world countries can provide. We do need to help these people. We do need to attack this virus at its source, in West Africa. But can we help the sick and eradicate the virus without exposing our own people to this deadly virus? The sane, rational option is staring at us, plain as day. The West African countries need to be quarantined now, before its too late and the epidemic spreads to even more countries. We Americans cant control the entire planet. But we can and should attempt to control our own destinies and protect our own people. The United States should announce forthwith that anyone from these countries will not be admitted to the United States for the foreseeable future, until the current Ebola outbreak is no more. Of course. That wont happen. The corporate elites rule. And nothing ever ever gets in the way of their trade, their commerce and their profits. So instead of the really safe and responsible option, well get lots more of patronizing talk encouraging us ignorant plebs to just not worry. As Alfred E Newman was fond of saying, What me worry?
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:03:37 +0000

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