Ebola, Ebola, E-bullshit! BJFerguson Alright, okay, I think it - TopicsExpress


Ebola, Ebola, E-bullshit! BJFerguson Alright, okay, I think it might just be about time for me to wade into this reeking, raging, cesspool, that is the recent hysteria, known to us all, as THE EBOLA OUTBREAK. A lot is being said…most of it, of course, is unsubstantiated agenda-driven bullshit, from the simple hook of viewership, on certain 24/7 (so-called) News Outlets, to the highly politicized propaganda of those seeking election or re-election, in the Mid-Terms, this November. Many people are genuinely confused and many are sincerely frightened, which is to the shame of those who promote this unwarranted hysteria, for personal reasons….none of which have anything to do with a true concern for public safety; of this you can be absolutely certain. And inasmuch as Americans have grown quite comfortable with information that is not based entirely upon fact, as a public service, and in an effort to ease the minds of a few select individuals, I think it is now the time to get real, and speak some truth. Because, even if some will not believe what I say, they will, at the very least, stop annoying me with their mindless drivel, which is nothing more than the regurgitated slanted, uninformed, bullshit, that comes directly from Agenda-Driven-Fear-Mongers. First, and listen up, because this is really important…..THERE IS NO EBOLA OUTBREAK IN AMERICA! One man, being treated in a Texas hospital, has died from this deadly disease, in America. More people will die from the Flu, this year, than Ebola, in America. More people will be murdered this WEEK, than will die from Ebola, in America, this year. You are statistically more likely to die, as a direct result of a traffic stop, by an over-the-top, Thug with a Badge, than of dying of Ebola, in America, this year. If you’re a Black Male, that statistic was a given, long before the first time anyone uttered the word “Ebola”….but I digress…. Two nurses, who both admit DID NOT have in place and follow, PROPER PROTOCOL, for treating an infectious disease, have been infected. They have now, been isolated, are being treated, and both are doing well. The CDC points to these two nurses, as proof of what they’ve been saying all along…..This disease is difficult to contract, as it can ONLY be contracted through the exchange of body fluids. IF proper precautions are implemented, one can treat Ebola patients without risk, just as one is able to treat those with AIDS. (Not that one disease is to be equated with the other…only the common sense of treatment precautions.) Ebola IS NOT AIRBORN, nor does it have magical powers that defy the laws of science, so, take a deep breath and stop watching idiots speculate and otherwise, pontificate, upon subjects, of which they are not qualified to speak. They have an agenda…and you are smarter than they think. Secondly, and this, too, is important….Of the almost 50 individuals, who were in close proximity of the infected patient, while in that Texas hospital, the 2 nurses are the only ones to test positive. And, again, I must reiterate; both admit to not following proper protocol for the treatment of patients with infectious disease. This was not the fault of the nurses, but was, in fact, the hospital’s negligence, in not properly training personnel in the use of and putting into place, in preparation for, the treatment of the patient, those particular precautions, which are standard in most hospitals, for situations of this nature. And, I’d be remiss, not to point out, that it is in TEXAS, the state that brags about its lack of regulations and governmental “interference”, where this was able to happen. And…it usually is Texas. Outbreaks of measles, influenza, and other diseases, are a matter of course, there, each year. (Yes, that is a statistical fact; look it up.) Which incidentally, has more uninsured citizens than any other state in the union; a fact that contributes to outbreaks, simply because uninsured individuals are less likely to seek medical treatment that they cannot afford, and will continue to go about their business, spreading their illness, wherever they may roam. At any rate, all of those, whom have come into contact with the original Ebola patient, even the limited, carefully protected, got-their-shit-together-proper-procedure individuals, are on a watch list, with certain restrictions in place, regarding their movements and further contacts. They are being monitored, daily….and as we all know from our dear exiled friend, Edward Snowden, if there’s ONE thing the USA can do very well, it’s MONITOR IT’S CITIZENS! I doubt any of them can sneak out so much as an unclean thought, and not receive an immediate call from the NSA, soon afterward. So, let’s all allow a few moments of calm to persuade us into a rational thought, instead of being swept away by the mass hysteria being created by those who will benefit most, from said mass hysteria. Panic only leads to the sort of rash decisions that alway lead to regret and an inability to explain ourselves, without using the words, “temporary insanity”. Lastly, and this is something that is really quite annoying, so I feel duty-bound to mention it….We have several epidemics that are very real and quite evident, which cause veritable and enduring devastation, here in America. But, because they have money and politics attached to them, they are debated, denied, swept under the rug, and even exploited, when convenient. No one gives a damn. The fight continues daily, and yet no one seems to care. And then along comes a little old bacteria from Africa and all of a sudden, everybody is up in arms and demands action of the harshest and most immediate nature. This sort of absurdity baffles the shit out of me. There is an epidemic of Cops crossing the line, abusing and killing citizens, violating civil rights of all of us, and yet, it’s allowed to go on, business as usual, day after day. Where’s the outrage? It is a greater and more genuine threat than Ebola in America….why isn’t anyone afraid of that? There is an epidemic of corruption, via money in our political and judicial process, and it is destroying the very validity of the one document, for which our nation has stood, since 1776. Why aren’t we afraid of this? It has the power to destroy our lives and the lives of generations to come….How is that less important than Ebola? There is an epidemic of unfair treatment of veterans, in this nation, for which we should all be ashamed. Soldiers are coming home to PTSD, broken bodies, no health care, reduced governmental assistance, and a Congress that has used and abused them, since 2009. Continual cuts in services and monies earmarked for vets and their families have created a homeless nation of former military service people, who now have nothing but empty promises, to chew on, as they contemplate the worth of their service to their country. Is that something that makes the news? Aren’t we afraid of the severe consequences of treating people in such a callous manner? Many of these people will die, this year…many more than will die of Ebola, that much is absolutely certain! There is an epidemic of gun violence in this country, and yet no one will do a damn thing to stop it, simply because of the power of lobbying giants and their money. School shootings…killings in all public places….gun violence has been killing Americans, unchecked, for decades, and yet the death of ONE MAN, from Ebola is enough to make you run for cover? That’s just plain stupid! From the environmental damage to climate change, to the serious repercussions of GMOs, we have real threats to our lives, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. but, nobody seems to recognize the danger in any of that. Why? It is a far more genuine disaster-in-the-making, one that has proven scientific data to support it, than the threat of a disease that has killed one man, here in the USA. If Ebola could somehow make huge money for the Kochs or some giant Pharmaceutical or Chemical company, it would be getting the same treatment that fracking and climate change gets, from the media….debate as to whether or not it’s even real, let alone, a danger. So, please…People…People…People….WAKE-UP! Stop allowing yourselves to be so easily manipulated by those whose agenda is as obvious as a Chuck Norris rug. If you want to be afraid, be afraid of the very real threats that exist, in every life, in our country, right now, not just those that are nothing more than manufactured hyperbole, aimed at your hysteria-button, with quite sinister intent. The truth about Ebola, that these agenda-driven twerps refuse to tell you, is that it’s REALLY not as scary, as they want or need you to think it is…..And the truth about most of us, that these agenda-driven twerps refuse to acknowledge, is that we’re not as dumb as they want and need us, to be. Prove it by getting a grip….trust me…..Ebola is just about the LAST thing you should be worried about, in America, today.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 17:25:38 +0000

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