Ebola! Ebola!! Ebola!!! Now the entire West Africa is waiting for - TopicsExpress


Ebola! Ebola!! Ebola!!! Now the entire West Africa is waiting for the Western world to develop a cure or vaccine for the disease. Why do we have to wait for them? Do we not have Professors, Drs and all the high ranking/award winning academicians in the country? I read on peoples blogs blaming the developed countries for foul play and making deliberate attempts to delay medical breakthroughs or any attempt aimed at finding vaccines against the disease. My question is : Where were we when these countries were investing 20% of their GDP anually in building world-class academic and research driven institutions? Oh! let me guess.... our schools were probably closed down because our government found it irrelevant to meet the demands of ASUU which were basically to increase salaries and funding for research.This is not to say I am a fan of ASUU but it is undoubtable that decades of failed governments have adversely affected our academic institutions, which ought to be research driven. Thence, we must wait! Why do these diseases have to start from Africa? HIV/AIDS now Ebola; both from African monkeys, chimps and nonhuman primates. Are there no other places in this world where one can find these animals? Sri Lanka, Nepal, Costa Rica, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Gilbraltar... these are among the top ten places to find monkeys of which Africa ranks no.4. But No, it has to be African monkeys as they are probably preferred by these viruses. Now, I am thinking hypothetically- because I know something has always got to give- of various conditionalities that may be put forward peradventure a vaccine or cure is found. I imagine our present leaders mortgaging the destines of the future so as atone for the idiocy of the past leaders. But what is rather more amazing is that they will not learn or try to rewrite the future. Their signatures will only caused a deeper interrogation in their hearts: How can I stash away more wealth for my family and I to escape the perils of the future? We have really got to wake up in Africa, especially we the youths that have become so engrossed in our pursuit of wealth that no one cares to ask: What is my purpose or what can I do for the betterment/advancement of my country. I guess the worse-off are a category of Nigerians/African living abroad who NEVER hesitate to show-off and claim foreign citizenship before reluctantly saying they are Africans/ Nigerians. To these people, discussions on Africa are not welcomed because they believe they have found an new home. This is just so pathetic. In all, we really need to go back to these four words What is my purpose? if we are interested in the future. FLSM
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:57:48 +0000

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