Ebola Reality check time: 1) OMG we have brought ebola to the - TopicsExpress


Ebola Reality check time: 1) OMG we have brought ebola to the United States of America... meanwhile at the Southern border of the United States, children, gang members and others are coming across the border with almost NO medical screening and being sent thought the country.... 2) OMG we have brought ebola to the United States of America... meanwhile the stock market plunged for the second day... why? not because of ebola... it is because the stock market is reacting to Russia building up its military outside of the Ukraine... ebola will not matter a damn when you have to pay $100+ more a month to heat your home this winter will it? 3) OMG we have brought ebola to the United States of America... meanwhile the Old Soviet Union is playing their old games again... 4) OMG we have brought ebola to the United States of America... how did the virus make it past all of the protective measures that doctors take... question for you... when is the last time you have been to these middle Africa countries? Same here never.... Based on YOUR best guess... how many LEVEL 1 (lowest level) hospitals do you think they have in middle Africa to handle these ebola cases correctly? MIDDLE AFRICA... yeah probably none... South Africa... probably several... When you are a doctor treating people whom have NO HOPE, you are just treating them because GOD has called you to do it...do you always have the correct materials to protect yourself? NO, you go on doing GODS work, and pray his grace/love will protect you (yes a little common sense too, protect yourself the best you can with what man has to protect you with) 5) OMG we had this secret serum and we gave it to JUST the white doctors and not all of the Africans... Question for you: has this serum been tested on humans until now? Uh, NO. What would the response be if they did produce enough of the serum and they used for the first time on dying Africans (with NO LEVEL 1-4 facilities to treat them) and they died... what would the response then be? OH you were using the BLACK Africans as guinea pigs, you are evil white people... It is a no win scenario... so PISS OFF you race bating jerks... 6) One small fact... again i have not been to Africa... so i have no first hand knowledge... but based on what i have seen in tv commercials asking for my money for some kid in a 3rd world country... how is their sanitation system in most 3rd world countries? What is a sanitation system? Yeah... except in major cities there isn’t one...most of the time THAT is how ebola is transmitted to others... that is not the case here in the United States... 7) Why did we bring them to the United States of America, why not treat them outside of the country? I then ask you, WHERE? Do you think any European country wants ebola in their country, especially if it is an American whom is exposed? We have territories in the Pacific ocean, why not use them? How many of those Pacific territories have even have a level 1 - 4 hospital in them? None... Bringing them home, while risky, was the best thing to do. In short i think we are safe... am i sure? No but i am confident enough we are in any immediate danger... every developed country in the world is looking at Emory University in Atlanta right now... if they screw it up, the WHOLE WORLD will know... i do not think you can poop in that part of the hospital without permission right now... I think we have a greater danger of someone blowing us up than we do of ebola getting out...
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:01:08 +0000

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