Ebola. Where are the screamin mimis who were in a dither when the - TopicsExpress


Ebola. Where are the screamin mimis who were in a dither when the US announced they were RETURNING to this country two native Americans who contracted Ebola while working as medical missionaries? Are you still out there? Reason I ask is that two weeks ago a Liberian flagged freighter came into NAwlins with the entire crew sick, isolated transferred off the ship to Louisiana hospitals for treatment. Liberia for the unannointed is sub-Saharan Africa...which is where the nasties come from. Y know? Close to Nigeria and other pits of turmoil and disease... Now, the first case of confirmed Ebola has been identified in Dallas. Where ARE you folks who howled like wolves, (or coyotes), when we brought two Americans home? WHY are you not upset and complaining about little Barrys INS letting infected Africans come in by the shipload? Anyone?
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:56:09 +0000

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