Ebola, formerly known as hemorrhagic fever when it first emerged - TopicsExpress


Ebola, formerly known as hemorrhagic fever when it first emerged in Sudan in 1976, is back. This time, however, pandemic status is not only possible, it is likely. Global travel in 2014 is easier than the 1970s and therefore so are opportunities for the virus spread. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms the number of deaths from Ebola at 4,493 and counting, with an estimated 12,000 actual deaths. The discrepancy in numbers is attributable to lack of reporting, or lack of accurate reporting, from less developed countries. In the United States there are currently two confirmed active cases, both healthcare employees, and one confirmed death, Thomas Duncan, who traveled to the United States in mid-September from Liberia, allegedly to marry his girlfriend, a U.S. citizen. He arrived in the country asymptomatic and lied about being exposed to Ebola. As disturbing as this is, from a security standpoint, what assurance do United States citizens have that the government is not also lying? Accounts from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) change nearly every day and sometimes within the day. One of the biggest lies is that we would contain the outbreak in Africa. We believe it behooves us to look more critically at the rhetoric being force-fed the public. The CDC is emphatic that Ebola transmission can only occur with direct contact with an infected person who displays active symptoms. To believe this we must assume a growing and multiplying virus is completely contained within the body until the exact moment a certain temperature is reached. However, this exact temperature is repeatedly being lowered by the CDC. Remember the CDC allowed the second healthcare worker with Ebola to fly because her temperature fell below the CDC criteria threshold. If the CDC is confident in its number, why are they contacting the 132 other passengers? The CDC has also said the disease cannot be spread if adequate precautionary measures are in place to prevent bodily fluids from being exchanged. If this is true, and if the United States is as prepared as the President and the CDC want us to believe, why are there two more confirmed cases after Thomas Duncans death? Should we presume, as the CDC wants us to, that the two workers are at fault? The CDC stated the two nurses failed to follow Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protocols. However, the nurses associations involved counter, that despite assurances for months from the CDC that all hospitals in the United States had protocols in place, there were no such protocols at Texas Presbyterian Hospital. Arguments about the existence of protocols are significant because they demonstrate that someone is lying. But we should also not forget that Ebola kills so efficiently that not much is known about its transmission, we do not totally understand this virus, and, as we are witnessing every day, we are not prepared for a pandemic. On October 13, 2014, NBC cameraman, Ashoka Mukpo, stated he had followed all of the precautions provided by the CDC. Yet he still contracted the virus. Dr. Gilbert Mobley, a microbiologist, told CNN on October 5, 2014, well before the two healthcare workers were confirmed with Ebola, that the CDC is intentionally lying to Americans and that the CDC is endangering millions rather than admit it does not know all of the answers. The Director of the CDC, Dr. Frieden, continues to profess there is no need for a travel ban or to worry about Ebola on Unites States soil. But, on October 14, 2014 he started to acknowledge mistakes, stating the CDC made errors on some handling of the fatal virus. But even while he was admitting that, he did not disclose the magnitude of the errors--that a second person within the United States had been confirmed positive. More disturbing than the press conference Wednesday, October 15, 2014 in Dallas where the Dallas Mayor professed repeatedly that the second healthcare worker who tested positive for Ebola overnight (10/14/2014) was isolated within 90 minutes of showing active symptoms, was a blatant and wanton lie by CDC officials and the Mayor. The woman flew domestically the day before she was confirmed. Now the CDC wants to reach all 132 passengers. Why, if the disease cannot be spread without contact with bodily fluids of a symptomatic patient, is the CDC now concerned? And what about the ticket counter workers, the baggage handlers and TSA employees, the people in the security screening line near her, and the thousands of others in the airport that day? And what about the people those people had contact with? This is why Ebola, which could have been contained months ago, is so scary. Additionally, less than 18 hours before the press conference held by the Mayor of Dallas, the CDC held their own press conference. In it, they unequivocally stated there were no pending test results on any individual within the United States. They failed to disclose the second healthcare worker, but they did acknowledge the existence of more than 70 people on a watch list. The second healthcare worker called the CDC Hotline prior to her flight and disclosed that she had a slight fever and other ailments. She was cleared by the CDC to take the flight from Cleveland to Texas on October 13, 2014 anyway--the day before she was confirmed as having Ebola. Now, Dr. Frieden claims she was not fully symptomatic until the day she was confirmed. The addition of that one word, fully, in an October 16, 2014 statement apparently absolves him of any responsibility. Once again, now that a potentially catastrophic error has occurred, Dr. Frieden is changing the official CDC line and now advising all healthcare workers who may have been exposed to infected patients not to travel commercially. Lies are mounting, and that millions may, or will, be exposed to a disease with a 70% or higher fatality rate is inexcusable, especially when all President Obama would have had to do was cancel commercial flights from West Africa. Just last night (10/16/14) a man flying from Nigeria to JFK Airport, and vomiting in his seat the entire way, died on the plane. We are told he didnt have Ebola. How comforting.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 16:58:49 +0000

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