Ebola survivor donates blood to American Dr. Rick Sacra and Dr. - TopicsExpress


Ebola survivor donates blood to American Dr. Rick Sacra and Dr. Kent Brantly were both infected with Ebola while working in Liberia with the aid organization Serving in Mission. Both were evacuated back to the United States for care. But the two doctors also have another thing in common: They have the same blood type. That little fact could be life-saving for Sacra. Brantly, who tested negative for the deadly virus after several weeks of treatment, recently flew to Nebraska where Sacra is in isolation and donated his blood. Doctors treated Sacra with this plasma on at least two occasions. Doctors believe Brantly has antibodies that Sacra lacks, but his immune system needs to help him fight the deadly virus. They are so similar it didnt surprise me that they were the same blood type, said his Sacras spouse, Debbie Sacra. Sacras doctors at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha said their patient is improving every day. We were down to the last shot and it worked out great, Dr. Phil Smith said at a press conference Thursday about finding a blood match. We were hoping to jump start his immunity. At this point, doctors dont feel like Sacra will relapse, but theyve been cautious about predicting success. Doctors in Africa told them there is typically a honeymoon period for patients after which they often get dramatically worse. Sacra, however, has gotten better daily. Dr. Angela Hewlett said his condition has been moved up to good from stable. In addition to the blood transfusion, doctors are giving Sacra aggressive supportive care to help his immune system fight the virus, including electrolytes and IV fluids.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 02:18:42 +0000

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