Eccentric: the shepherd became a lamb; Father of all became the - TopicsExpress


Eccentric: the shepherd became a lamb; Father of all became the son. Sacrifice made Him drop His glory... The healer became wounded; Life giver was killed. Turned salvation to His profession; Drank from the gory cup. Love; He turned His song- Happily, led for execution. Flogged when Hes done no wrong. Became sin; He who was sinless. Mocked by mere mortals He created- Immortal God! Passion! Embracing the cup with ecstacy. His flesh like rags- kissing the cross. Fell! Rose! Fell again... His mother was there- she couldnt help; Her first born son will soon be gone. John wept! Then: rocky Golgotha: He was nailed; dragged to reach the nailing spot- Painfil; it hurts! There and then the bargain started- Adamic lacuna was being bridged; Lucifer darted! Christ made the cross creed. Crowned cruelly; not that He craved for kingship... Injured for your sake, He who was sinless. From His head; blood dripped in gouts Pain! This isnt poison. No, not gunshot- not even a horrible accident. Christ was crucified;amidst criminals. His head bled, hit the ground; and yes! The crown. His palm: dripped with blood not from knife cut- the nails. His knees hurt. His ankles. Ouch! All folded. What drips from His feet isnt rain... He lost His life! The curtains parted. Satan lost the strife... Lucifer darted! His side was pierced: salvation process crest. Alls fulfilled now: Oh: Love; Passion; pain! Salvation... Carried my cross all through: Died my death; Suffered your curse. All wrong He made right; Healed the worlds plight. THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST... By Lawal Kafayat Gold
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 08:54:44 +0000

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