Echols to propose legislation for research of Cannabinoid - TopicsExpress


Echols to propose legislation for research of Cannabinoid extract In a joint interim study on Monday regarding the use of Cannainoid (CBD) extract for the treatment of severe seizure disorders, Rep. Jon Echols, R-Oklahoma City, stated that he expects to propose legislation in the upcoming session to allow for medical trials of non-intoxicating CBD with low Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels. Pediatric Neurologist Dr. Amy Stauffer stated that there are no good human studies as of yet, though some animal models have shown a positive effect. “The problem is that we don’t know what doses are appropriate, what seizure types are the best treated by this, we don’t know what levels are good to control seizures, we don’t know a lot of this stuff,” said Stauffer. “We don’t know long term effects, so it’s very important that we study this.” Stauffer spoke of a now 3-year-old patient whose family moved to Colorado, where the use of CBD oil is legal, in order to obtain the medication. At 6 months old the patient was having up to 100 seizures per day. None of the prescribed, FDA approved medications had any effect and the patient continued to have seizures, she said. After using CBD extract with small doses of THC, the seizures lessened to only a few a day, said Stauffer. In a recent check-up, Stauffer said the patient has improved significantly. bk
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:18:14 +0000

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