Economic question. Slybus Q1.what is macroeconomists - TopicsExpress


Economic question. Slybus Q1.what is macroeconomists study? Q2.Measuring the value of ecnomic activty? -GDP -Income,expnditure and the circulr flow -Rules of cmputing GDP -Real Gdp and Nominal Gdp -Gdp defltr -Compnents of Expnditure -What is invstment -Other measure of incme Q3. Measuring the cost of living,Consumr Price Index(CPI) ? -Price of baskt Goods -CPI verses GDP deflator Q4.what determine the total prodction of Goods and services? -Factor of prodction -Prodction fnction -Suply of Goods and services Q5. How is National Incom distributd to the factor of prodction? -Factor price -The decision facing the comptative firm -Firms dmand for factrs -Dvsion of national income Q6. What detrmines the dmand for Goods and services? -Cnsumption -Invstment -Govrnment Purchases Q7. What brings suply and demand for Goods and services into equlbrium? -Equilbrum in market for Goods and services: -Equilibrium in financial market Q8.Whats Aggregate demand? -Quantity equation as agregat demand -why agregate demand curve slopes downwrd -shif agregate demnd curve Q9.whats Aggregate Suply ? -Long run -Short run -Short run to long run Q10. Whats Stabilization policy? -Shocks to Agregate demand -Shocks to Agregate Supply Q11. Whats the Goods Market and IS Curve? -keynesian Crors -intrst rate,invstmnt and IS Curve -how fiscal policy Shifts IS Curve Q12. Whats mony market and LM Curve? -income,Mony dmand and LM curve -how monetry policy shfts the LM Curve..
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:33:58 +0000

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