Economic sanctions have become the word of the day in todays - TopicsExpress


Economic sanctions have become the word of the day in todays political arena. The USA backed by its European counter parts , have taken a non confrontational means to resolving conflicts around the world. Instead of immediately sending in the troop, we find our world leaders resolving issues by targeting the finances of countries that violate international laws. The annexation of Crimea by Russia earlier this year, comes to mind as we speak of todays new approach to conflict resolution . Amidst the ousting of a pro-Russian president, we find the soviet country of Russia lead by Vladimir Putin, ex KGB spy and current president of Russia, encrouching on the territorial integrity and sovernity of Ukraine. Russia took over a Baltic sea peninsula belonging to Ukraine, in the guise of protecting Russian speaking citizens from discrimination on behalf of Ukrainian government. This land grab by Russia exacerbated a civil war taking place in Ukraine ,which pitied Pro-Russian forces against the Ukrainian government whom earlier this year took measure to strengthen loyalties to Nato and the European union much to the displeasure of Moscow. It has been speculated, that Russia has been secretly aiding those rebels fighting against the ukranian government. Journalist have reported trained mercenaries baring the russian emblem on their uniforms in Kiev and other regions inwhich fighting is taken part in. Ukrainian forces have documented the capture of Russian soilders on Ukrainian soil and have destroyed army columns of tanks and militarized vehicles making their way to conflict zones in that region. President Putin has coined the term NovoRussia, meaning new Russia to described Crimea and other parts of eastern Ukraine in recent speeches. It seems as if Putin has visions of restoring the pride n prestige of the former soviet union of his childhood which disbanding in the latter part of this century. The USA and the European union have been appalled at the action of Moscow and have responded by issuing embargos or rather economic sanction on key factors of the Russian economy. Lead by Barack Obama, world leaders have taken a different route than prior in dealing with the agressing nation. Instead of all out war with Russian, we find our international brethren targeting the financial markets of the eastern European country. So far the effects of these embargos have crippled the Russian economy ,lowered the value of the Russian currency the ruble, and have drawn out millions of dollars and investors from the countries financial markets. Russian has followed suite in retaliation and has imposed sanctions of its own against its European counterparts. A strained relationship exist between Europe and Russia . Russia exports oil and gas to Europe and contributes 30 percent alone, of the total oil consumption in western European countries. So far these sanction have not stopped Russia from furthering its land grab and have ironically lead to patriotism in its fellow citizens as they deal with inflation and the devaluation of its currency. Just recently Putins arch rival whom spent ten years incarcerated in a Russian prison for opposing Putin supposedly , have came up with campaigns in which Russians spoke up against Russian actions in Ukraine. A peaceful protest drew thousand to Moscow against its intervention in Ukraine and the clever slogan Russian is Europe have become prominent in these demonstrations. World leaders are also focused on a rise of Islamic radicalism taking part in the middle east as ISIS , a radical Muslim entity located in Syria and Iraq have taken large swath of the country and established their rule in those regions. Fearing the escalation of terrorist attacks against westernize country and the spread of the Islamic caliphate Isis is trying to establish, the USA along with other countries recently lead an assual on key strategic points of the radical Muslim entity on Thursday. This is significant of the ways our wars are fought in modern day times. in lieu of sending soilders Obama has agreed to train Syrian n Iraqi military personnel and has agreed to supply then with guns in order to fight against this terrorist groups . Obama has also sent unmanned drone airplanes and war ships with long range missile capability to the region. In light of the recent beheading of the American journalist this course of action seems to suite the situation unfolding in the middle east. Opposing political forces have critizes the lack of action by the president of the USA saying that America has began to lose its critical role in today world affair. citing Obamas inaction of the use of forces against Syrian president whom reportedly uses nerve gas against rebels in the region. a clear n concise violation of international war law . In my mind I believe the president in his attempt to deal with these conflicts has put the lives of american soilders first. I believe by targeting financial markets, America can be assured it does not rush preemptively into war. I believe Obamas new approach to be a sign of the mans remarkable intelligence and problem solving skills.With the world taking lead ,the USA is fighting these conflicts with brain instead of brawn sparing the lifes of soilders. Also I believe that this strategy could be a good thing in America. As the value of the ruble falls to record lows some American business stand to gain in this approach. That is all .
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:44:34 +0000

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