Economy-Prices Decline In Rubber, Iron Ore Prices Hurting - TopicsExpress


Economy-Prices Decline In Rubber, Iron Ore Prices Hurting Economy-Konneh By Wilfred Gortor \LINA MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - The Minister of Finance and Development Planning (MOFDP) has attributed the massive decline in the economy to the reduction in the prices of Liberia’s primary commodities of rubber and iron ore. Minister Amara Konneh said the 41.2 percent decline in the price of rubber and 39.2 percent for iron ore came as the result of the economic slowdown in China and the appreciation of the United States dollar up to 2.5 percent. Minister Konneh made the statement at the Ministry of Information regular press conference held at the ministry Thursday in Monrovia. Konneh noted that in 2013 the price of rubber was US$126.8 per pound but reduced in 2014 to US$74.6, while a metric ton of iron ore which sold for US$135.4 in 2013, dropped to US$82.3 in fiscal year 2014. “The massive decrease in the price of the country’s primary commodities has resulted in a 31 percent and 81 percent decrease in export earnings from rubber and iron ore respectively,” Konneh indicated. He added that Liberia’s average inflation rate which was 7.6 percent in 2013 is projected at 11.4 percent for 2014, while at the end of 2014, the inflation rate which was 8.5 percent in 2013, is projected at 14.7 percent. Meanwhile, Minister Konneh has indicated that it will require economic discipline as well as budgetary support through grants and loans for Liberia to finance the budget deficit occasioned by the shrink in the nation’s economy. LINA Politics-Diplomacy Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates Lebanon On 71st National Day MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the Government and People of the Republic of Lebanon on the occasion commemorating their 71st Independence Anniversary. In her message to the Prime Minister Tammam Salam, President Sirleaf conveyed heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name to the Government and People of Lebanon on the observance of that country’s historic event. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf extended best wishes for the personal well-being of Prime Minister Tamman Salam and the prosperity and unity of the People of Lebanon. She hoped that Liberia and Lebanon will continue to work together in building a better world of peace, security and cooperation among all nations. LINA Health-Donation-UBA Pres. Sirleaf Says Post-Ebola Era Needs Financial Entities As Partners MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has told the United Bank of Africa (UBA) Liberia Limited that post-Ebola reconstruction will require financial institutions partnering with Liberia. President Sirleaf encouraged the bank and other financial institutions to begin planning for the post-Ebola economic revitalization which, she said, will center on agriculture and macro-finance. She made the statement at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wednesday when the UBA Liberia Limited made an additional donation of US$300,000 to the Government of Liberia to help in its fight against Ebola. According to an Executive Mansion releases, the Liberian President believes that financial institutions are indispensable to the country’s growth, and urged the UBA to maintain this partnership. President Sirleaf termed the donation as a reinforcement of the good partnership between Liberia, the UBA and the Federal Republic of Nigeria, describing it as “a long standing partnership benefiting all sides.” She praised UBA’s strong commitment to Liberia’s recovery and assured the bank that its interventions in Liberia, especially in the Ebola fight, have had a great impact on efforts to contain the disease. President Sirleaf particularly expressed delight that Liberians took ownership and leadership of the Ebola fight through the various communities with support from partners. The release said the Liberian leader asked CEO Chioma Mang to convey, on behalf of the Liberian people, great sentiments and appreciation to her counterpart, President Goodluck Jonathan, for encouraging Nigerian businesses to invest in Liberia. She also commended the chairman of the group, Tony Elumelu, for bracing the storm to invest in Liberia especially at the time when everything was broken down after years of war. In remarks earlier, the UBA Liberia CEO, Ms. Chioma Mang, said the amount being the second intervention by UBA, was a further demonstration of the strong show of solidarity with the Government of Liberia. She believes progress can never be made in human and economic development if Ebola is not totally eradicated, adding,­ “The improvement recorded in Liberia is remarkable and we appreciate and commend your effort.” In September the bank donated a pick-up truck as logistic support to government’s fight against Ebola. LINA Economy-Ebola Funds Konneh Reports on Ebola Trust Fund For October By Prince Nagbe\LINA MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara Konneh has disclosed that as at October 31 the Ebola Trust Fund received a total of US$14.282 million for the fight against the Ebola disease. Konneh said of this amount, the Ebola Trust Fund has disbursed US$8.387 million to and on behalf of various government entities. Making the disclosure at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing in Monrovia on Thursday, Konneh noted that over US$4 million was disbursed to the Ministry of Health; US$2 million towards security operations, while US$745.000 was used for response and burial activities. He told journalists that the Ministry has also disbursed US$931.000 to the six highly-affected counties of Bong, Margibi, Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Gbarpolu and Montserrado for Ebola response-related activities outside of the Ebola Trust Fund mechanism. The Finance boss further disclosed that as at October 25 the total donor commitments for Ebola response aid, including disbursement validated by the government, stands at US$373.3 million of which US$70 million represents additional funding from the World Bank, which has not been finalized. He said apart from the additional funding from the World Bank, the remaining US$303.3 million includes a US$152 million commitment of resources from the United States Government which accounts for 41 percent. He said this was the largest pledge so far to the Ebola fight in Liberia, adding, “This amount includes nearly US$100 million in-kind support from the US State Department.” According to Konneh, 34 percent of the total funds have been committed for use by United Nations entities; 11.5 percent for use by the Liberian Government, while the balance 13.3 percent is allotted for use by non-governmental organizations. He, however, pointed out that of the US$303.3 million, US$244.7 million has been disbursed by donors to implementing partners or agencies which include donations such as supplies and construction activities that amount to US$103.5 million. Konneh also indicated that US$12.8 million was disbursed on technical assistance while the remaining US$127 million was provided as actual cash donations. LINA Health-Ebola-Gwenigale Liberia Not Yet Ebola-Free, Former Health Minister Warns By Decontee Wesseh (intern) MONROVIA, November 21(LINA) - Outgoing Health Minister Walter Gwenigale has cautioned Liberians against complacency in the fight against the Ebola virus in the wake of declining new cases. He warned that doing so would drag the country back to the “high rate of cases that it had.” Speaking at the Ministry of Information daily Ebola press conference in Monrovia Thursday, Gwenigale said most Liberians are becoming “very relaxed” in adhering to the preventive measures, adding, “That is wrong.” He cited, as example, Taylor Town in Bong County where new cases are developing because of failure by residents to abide by preventive measures. “We should not feel complacent in the fight against the Ebola virus before we lead our country back to the high rates of cases that we had,” he emphasized. LINA Health-GIF-Donation GIF Distributes Relief Items To Ebola Victims In Nimba By Wellington G. Patrick, LINA Nimba County Correspondent SANNIQUELLIE, November 21 (LINA) - Global Interior Foundation (GIF), a United States-based humanitarian organization, has begun distributing food and non-food items to Ebola victims in Nimba County. GIF on Thursday presented 15 bags of 25kg rice, a carton of food seasoning cubes, detergent soap, a carton of Clorox, a carton of bath soap and two gallons of vegetable oil to the Sanniquellie Ciayor for Ebola-hit single parents and orphans in Sanniquellie and Sehkimpa Town. Speaking during the presentation, GIF Nimba County team leader Harrison G. Dahn said the materials are Gblobal Interior Foundation’s way of identifying with families affected by the Ebola outbreak. He told the Liberia News Agency that the materials were given by Lee O. Tarpeh, a citizen of the county and founder of Gblobal Interior Foundation based in the U.S. Receiving the donation, the Administrative Assistant to the City Mayor of Sanniquellie, James F. Barker, lauded GIF for the donation and promised to distribute the items impartially. LINA Politics-Elections-Security Police Chief, We Will Give Equal Protection to Aspirants By Wilfred Gortor\LINA MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - Police Inspector General Chris Massaquoi has assured candidates in the December 16 Senatorial Election of equal security protection during the political campaigning process. Colonel Massaquoi also emphasized that regardless of political affiliation, tribe or ideology, the police will perform its duties of providing full protection for all citizens without favor. He made the statement at the Ministry of Information daily Ebola press conference held at the ministry in Monrovia on Friday. Massaquoi also appealed to political parties, independent candidates and voters to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and avoid coming into conflict with the law. He said the LNP will be on full alert to probe any formal complaint filed by any political party or independent candidate against another party or contestant regarding the violation of the rights of others. According to Massaquoi, if candidates and partisans refrain from negative campaign practices that could give rise to violence, the election process will be safe for all Liberians to freely participate. “The LNP is in full support of the President’s call for orderly and peaceful campaigning and electoral processes,” Massaquoi asserted. LINA WSG/GDJ/TSS/PTK\JKW Politics-Election-Sirleaf Robert Sifleaf, Launches Campaign With Call For Tolerance By Calvin Brooks MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - The former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL), Robert Sirleaf, has urged Liberians to be tolerant, no matter their status in society. Sirleaf also said Liberians should focus on development issues, rather than engage in manufacturing falsehoods against other people in society, if Liberia is to attain its development agenda. He made the call Thursday at the launch of his senatorial campaign in the Public Health Pump (PHP) Community in Monrovia which was graced by supporters from several communities and organizations. He noted that over the past six years his foundation has championed development initiatives across the 17 political districts of Montserrado County, and hoped that Montserrado County will elect him to improve the living condition of the people. He stressed that the world is changing on a daily basis and that Liberia cannot afford to remain underdeveloped. “This is the time for the people of Montserrado County to make the determination to bring development to the county,” the Senatorial candidate urged. LINA Health-Measure Beaches close indefinitely, says Gov’t By Decontee Wesseh (Intern)\LINA MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - Police Inspector General Chris Massaquoi has announced that all beaches will remain closed after November 29 until the government declares the country Ebola-free. Addressing the Ministry of Information daily press conference in Monrovia Friday, he said the Liberia National Police has been ordered to enforce the measure and ensure that it is not violated. Massaquoi said anyone caught violating this measure will be arrested and prosecuted. The Police Inspector General further announced that police will be deployed across the country to ensure peace and stability during the electioneering period. The government announced recently that beaches will be closed only on November 29, but that order has been extended indefinitely. The government said the measure was part of actions taken to curb the transmission of the Ebola virus through overcrowding at the beaches. LINA Politics-Election Nimba Supt. Urges Citizens to Obey Election Regulations By Wellington G. Patrick, LINA Nimba County Correspondent SANNIQUELLIE, November 21 (LINA) - Nimba County Superintendent Fong Zuagele has urged citizens to follow the guidelines laid down by the National Elections Commission (NEC) for the conduct of the Special Senatorial Election. Zuagele called on citizens of the county to refrain from violence during the election process, if the country’s shattered state is to be rebuilt. He made the statement on Thursday at a press conference held at his Tubman Administration building office in Sanniquellie at the official launch of the senatorial campaign in the county. Zuagele urged the voters, politicians and their supporters to go into the process with moderation and tolerance, while doing away with political mudslinging to keep the process peaceful and safe. “Violence cannot move Nimba forward; a change of power through peaceful democratic elections is necessary to transform its development agenda,” Zuagele noted. “The international community expects maturity from Liberians during this electoral process,” he stressed. LINA Health-Ebola-MSF MSF Dedicates Ebola Transit Center In New Kru Town By Robert Dixon\LINA MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has dedicated a 10-bedroom Ebola Transit Center it constructed at the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town on Bushrod Island in Monrovia. The facility will reduce overcrowding at Ebola Treatment Centers in Monrovia, according to MSF Field Coordinator Sebastian Stew. Speaking at the dedicatory ceremony, Stew said suspected Ebola patients will be tested at the center after which they will be transferred to Ebola Treatment Units for treatment if proven positive. He stated further that if the test results prove to be ordinary illnesses, the patients will stay at the center for three days after which they will be sent to health facilities for treatment. In remarks at the ceremony, the Medical Director of the Redemption Hospital, Dr. Mohammed Sankoh, lauded MSF for constructing the facility and promised to collaborate with them to ensure that the objectives of the center are achieved. Dr. Sankoh then appealed to residents of the New Kru Town Community and surrounding areas to take advantage of the opportunity and carry their sick relatives and friends to the center. LINA RD Society-Media-Africa Journalist Unions In Ebola-Affected Countries To Get Funding MONROVIA, November 21 (LINA) - The African Media Initiative (AMI) has announced an Ebola Special Fund for the Unions of Journalists in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. During the just-ended Consultative Forum on Media Strategies organized by AMI in Nairobi, Kenya, it was reported that the fund will financially support the “brave journalists working tirelessly to cover one of the hardest stories in history.” According to a dispatch from AMI in Nairobi, the forum which brought together media executives and managers from Africa, noted that the story of the Ebola disease is robbing their countries and its people of developmental advances. The Consultative Forum on Media Strategies was the first of its kind, and was launched by AMI’s new CEO Eric Chinje, who presented AMI’s three-year strategy and invited other media organizations to create new partnerships that would help the media sector grow. AMI brings media owners together and seeks to find solutions to perennial problems facing the industry such as the lack of financing and solid business models, as well as difficulties in accessing the advertising market or even just good internet connectivity. LINA
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:35:45 +0000

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