Ecorevolution The time has to come to take into accounts whether - TopicsExpress


Ecorevolution The time has to come to take into accounts whether the corrupt politician and bureaucrat involved in the scandal and whether they are punished as per Indian penal code lows? The answer is no. What has been done so far by our government to chalk the parallel economy. Created by the black money? There have been a lot of investigation in the past without any concrete punishment . It is only after the 2 G spectrum scandal some ministers , M. P. and officer s are arrested but yet the troth is to come out it is just a tip of iceberg . The nation is put at the threshold of the racial and cast discrimination. The common people are facing hard seeps even to get the engulfed food, For the survival. The land prices sky rocketed to such an extent that it had became a dream for the commoners to get the house. The low and order situation is retorted beyond the limits but the government is trucking a drama, that all is well . The taxes are increased by the government, and this culminates in to the rise in the prices at all commodities including the petroleum products . The entire education right form the pre primary to university level , has been commercialized to such an extent that we do not hesitate to call these institution with the blessing of both the central and the state government under this garb the politician right form Grampanchayat level to the parliament level. resorted to open their own school, high school , junior collage senior collage and also the privet dreamed university they appointed there own relative , friends and well wisher to run these education shop s as a rest the quality of the education declined these institution lived a Hugh amounts as the capitation fees. Donation and building fund for the admit ion and of the student which was not affordable by the weaker section. middle income groups even the higher middle income groups thus the education in general and the protection education in engineering and medical factories became a sole Hague money of the rich people. The division of society on the basis of cast and greed’s paved the way to the ballet boxes Special economic zone nation is a baby imported form western European and American concept. This is just nothing but Congo mention of the capitalist. each industrial house tried to occurred the unlimited facilities decided by the government for the S.E Z . This is nothing but the new mode of empire having centralized seat of power . Concentrated in the hands of few selected aristocrats. This was created to snatch the agriculture land of the farmer. Or the small traders. The ownership of all the natural resources like rivers, the lake the Cole mine and the hills and mountain is felt that it is of the capitalist. The common people have nothing to do with this. . With all this exercise of the government the capitalist the problems of the common people did not decrease but instead rose to the maximum. The greed of capitalist increased to such an extent That it spoil the air, water and the land with the various pollutant and it became quit different to breath by all the human and the animal alive. Inspire of all these torches by the capitalist they have not stooped form repeating the same action in the times to come. The inflection has reached to a such level that the entire population except the a elite class has been troubled for the even meals a day. The black money generated by the corruption and tax evasion by the highly placed politician ministers and the industrialist . being again used for the immoral activities. In the society. Since both the government minister and the officer are enfold in collaboration white color criminals. it is not possible for them to control the crimes and hence people are left to there own destiny . the government influenced by the capitalist, has been increasing the prices of the petrol the diesel. The food grains, the electricity and food ,medicine and all the commodities which are essential for life . The capitalist all over the would have carried out the financial management of the banks and non banking financial institution .shear markets , mutual funds and had huge funds has to destabilized the entire economic system. . And because of this there is a greatly unstable life security. America and Europe are favorite destination of the capitalism . since America Britain and European country opted for the privatization in all the area ‘s of trade and industrialization to such an extent that there governments became weak in governance and the capitalist were late loose consequently the entire financial transaction were confide in to the few dubious banks and insurance companies . funds were deprive ted to the unknown hands and economy collapsed like a pack of cards. all the money invested by the common people was duped and leaving became intolerable and miserable. this was prominently come to notice of the would in the year 2008 the Americans described this as the great recession or the financial melt down. Such a situation had occurred in the U.S.. and the other nation . In the year 1929 , after the grate would war one. There was a strong domination of the u s dollar currency for all the international transaction . the europium nation that this domination should be brought down. The europium union [ E. U. ] was established and initially 27 nation’s join as the numbers and common euro was adopted for financial transaction but only the one nation the England did not accepts euro or its operation and continue its stunning pound currency as before the dollar even with the formation of the euro. The financial capacity of the Greece, Spain Italy, Portugal collapsed and even France and England dwindling. The people in Greece have come on the road protesting against the government for increasing the taxes and decreasing the salaries under the Austerity majors. This has happenings every were in the Europe . The UN employment scenario even in the U.S.A. Is trying to dominate its ideology on the nation’s in the west Asia. The middle Asia and the Africans nation. Even our India is not dealt out form the effects of the U.SA. resection. Those who are hungry are bound to come on the roads to procure the foods and hence essential goods either hook or crock. This situation is also seen on the roads of the U.S.A . lot of people who became unemployed are moving on the roads by frothing their bio data hanging around the neck for job searching , so also the developing countries like India and china Are experiencing such nasty atmosphere of the unhappiness . Indian capitalist also lag behind exploiting the farmers and the laborers. Who had taken the loans form the banks the recovery was made by resorting to inhumanity policies and the practices. the interest charged by the privet banks was up to extent of 25% to 27% . This was a Sheryl injustice to the common people. Farmer could not repay their debit because of this unusual interest and compelled them to resort to commit the suicide. These looting of the people took place by the capitalist and the private banks make them unfit to live the life and banks managed to survived form the wave of resection. Distribution of the goods and the subsequent trade activities confined the trade activated confined the wealth in the capitalist .and the people becoming slaved . A hand fool people established their empires. It is because of this in surging not only people at large but also the Furriness were and are being compelled to commit suicides. Those responsible for these atrocities will have to answer one day or the other. In their life time. According to serve in the past it was found that the per day income of the 39% peoples was not even rupees twenty per day. People clamming them self as the super power. Can not provide the Enough food single times in a day . To the needy poor people. The hunger and poverty problems are there not only in India but also in neighbors’ like Nepal Pakistan, Shrilanka, Afghanistan etc. these capitalist are constantly engaged in the tax evasion ,profiteering and there by creating illegal money ,which we call it as black money and siphon this in to the banks in the foreign countries such as Swaziland and Germany etc . There have been a generation of the land mafia almost in all villages, town and the metropolitan cities .The root as of the empires have been emerged form India. And then spread to other nation. The effect of these ill insist, spreads every were in India. The capitalism has made the life of common people miserable one and they are opposed to such an extent that their constitutional fundamental right’s of freedom , equality and brother hood are dip riveted.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:21:41 +0000

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