Ed Blaze Just now · Green Bay, WI · JFK KNEW THAT THERE WAS A - TopicsExpress


Ed Blaze Just now · Green Bay, WI · JFK KNEW THAT THERE WAS A GREAT CLOUD OF DANGER OVER THE UNITED STATES. HE SAW OUR WAY OF LIFE WAS UNDER ATTACK. HE SAW THAT THE SECURITY OF AMERICA WAS THE BASIS FOR THIS ATTACK. HE SAW AN ATTACK THAT WOULD NOT COME BY A TRADITIONAL WAR, BUT RATHER ONE WAGED ON OUR VALUES, OUR FAITH & OUR PATRIOTISM. ******************************************************************************************** This speech was given in 1961. So for a minimum of 55-60 years there has be a patiently & methodically waged war against the very values upon which our free Republic were founded. Over these past 55-60 years two plus generations of our youth have been indoctrinated. Joseph Stalin said Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. Like a true Marxist, he hated capitalism, once saying, “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” So for decades it has been these 3 areas which have been relentlessly attacked by those who desired to see America transformed into a Communist society. JFK IMO was aware of this danger to our society & nation. His desire was to expose this danger & those who perpetuated it. It is believed this speech caused him his life. His words were prophetic, for America has been attacked from within & now 55 years later its collapse is very near. Like the frog in the kettle of water the heat has been slowly turned up & is now close to boiling. The frog adjusting to the increase in heat is now close to being boiled alive. That frog is America & America is on the verge of collapse. For Liberals & now Liberal Progressives which is simply a soft name for a communist, have been successful in undermining an individuals patriotism, belief in God & moral values. Today you can look at America & see a once healthy, strong nation made very weak & ready to crumb. Whether he knew it or not, I believe JFK in his speech was warning us of non transparent Governments & corrupt news outlets to come. So through non transparency of Govt which repeatedly lies to & deceives the people, as well as a press that would not pursue truth & even become propaganda machine of the Govt to the people, we are witnessing the danger he spoke of & the name of that danger is a NWO. https://youtube/watch?v=y8HTr-F-FVM
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:06:08 +0000

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