Editorial “On 2014: “What A Year It Was” This has been, - TopicsExpress


Editorial “On 2014: “What A Year It Was” This has been, without any doubt, the most tumultuous year in the 8-year history of the Black Hedge Fund Group, so many news events and social upheavals and “history-as we-witness-it-happen” moments to list: East Africa, Michael Brown and Ferguson, Eric Garner, Cuba and Assata Shakur, the roll-back of derivatives legislation on Dodd-Frank and the Volcker Rules. Some or all of these events have changed the course of human history as we know it, and will have impact far beyond their immediacy and headlines. But we also go into 2015 with some of the most incredibly positive parcels of history we should grasp and hold on to: the most powerful woman on Wall Street is a black woman, Suzanne Shank. The most powerful man on Wall Street and in the financial markets world-wide is a black man, Reggie Brown. A black man, Tyler Perry, with the galvanizing political power of another black man, Atlanta’s mayor Kasim Reed, may purchase the incredibly lucrative and coveted old Fort McPherson acres of property, a stone’s throw from the heart of the brutal confederacy history of Stone Mountain. What impossible irony! A black woman, the brilliant Erika Hayes-James, is named Dean of one of the most revered B-Schools in the world, Emory Goizueta Business School in Atlanta, Georgia. We could continue both lists, bith sides of the ledger, both the gains and the losses, the bad and the good of 2014, out into infinity. We prefer to accentuate the positive and strive forward, not denying recent history; but neither should we allow recent history, both the ugly and the sublime, to define us – not when we have so much more work to do, individually and collectively. In 2015, get a passport. Travel. This entire world is yours. Support a black business. Better yet, start and own your own black business. Invest in black art. Support black artists, writers, teachers, farmers, stylists, photographers, stockbrokers, musicians, insurance salespeople, black attorneys, black media. Think real estate. Open an investment account and save to invest. Give back. Mentor a youth. Volunteer. And donate your time, that’s free when given away to others. We wish you and yours a prosperous, healthy, peaceful and productive 2015 full of abundance and good health. c. 2014, The Black Hedge Fund Group
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 19:40:22 +0000

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