Editorial Opinion: THE LAW SHOULD STATE THAT PERFORMING SURGERY WITH AN UNJUSTIFIABLE LACK OF PROPER PAIN RELIEF IS TO BE CONSIDERED MALPRACTICE! I have heard of people being operated on without proper anesthesia....Except in medically-necessary, RARE instances, (ie medically- necessary surgery must be done , but the patient would be seriously put at risk of loss of life or serious injury from the use of anesthesia) I believe operating without anesthesia should be considered serious medical malpractice and criminal assault/torture! The science of Anesthesiology has greatly advanced in recent years....is there really any scientific or medical justification to operate on human beings without any kind of pain relief.... or deficient, unsuitable or ill-administered pain relief? There should be SERIOUS legal consequences if a doctor performs surgery on a patient without proper and safe anesthesia....In my opinion, there are very few cases in which some type of adequate pain relief could not be administered ....including, but not limited to, natural pain relief substances....In my opinion, how could such pain infliction, in our scientifically - advanced society, be justified? They call it anesthesia awareness....hmmmm cnn/2010/HEALTH/05/17/general.anesthesia/
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:45:47 +0000

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