Education, a key to success. Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf’s zeal to - TopicsExpress


Education, a key to success. Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf’s zeal to educate most the populace of KPK with a single educational policy for them all. During my visit, at a primary school, a female teacher asks one of her students, “Why don’t you set your hair properly?” The student responds, “Mam, The teeth of the comb are broken and it hurts my skull”. The next day, the teacher buys the student a couple of combs and instructs the student, “Ask your mum to comb your hair using these”. Chief Minister Khyber Pukhtun Khwah Mr. Parvez Khatak has launched the new educational policy in the province. It shows PTI’s commitment to educate them all and fill this widening gap between rich and poor. Irrespective of their cast, creed, color, gender, ethnicity ... every single person of KPK is considered fit for this free of cost educational package. Following is an analysis of the government educational policy, sharing much with the readers and ask their intellect to ponder on the government vision in implementing their educational policy and its outcome. The management levels triangle based on the educational policy’s outcome used to be very tall in Pakistan. The present government of PTI in KPK is trying to force make this triangle flat, even flatter. Is it the best policy for the KPK? The government believes yes and they are implementing it. Education is a process based on immaculate communication observed amongst teachers, students, the material, and the medium of instruction. The government of KPK has provided the students with the materials in shape of text books which are a true English language translation of the previous government’s text books and English language is the medium of instruction. Educating variegated students coming out of variety of backgrounds and social classes is a very complex job to perform. Teachers’ capacity to deliver the content, utilizing English as medium of instruction and letting the student imbibe it all is not an easy equation either. Though English is a compulsory subject up till master degree in Pakistan, communicating in English is not an easy task in a Pashtu or Hindko speaking dominated societies. People speaking local languages usually find themselves short of vocabulary while communicating in English language. It is not an easy task to observe a scholarly discourse, having full command of a foreign language. Speaking, reading, writing, and analyzing the content of the course would be a hard nut to crack for teachers who they are not that qualified in delivering the content in the easiest possible way. I am sure every single teacher teaching our kids has studied Psychology during their studies of PTC, CT, B.Ed and M.Ed. Understanding the psychology of their audience, the effect of the environment on the psyche of the students, and his/her own personality and attitude make them get something out of this activity. An NGO with the name “Association for Academic Quality” (AFAQ) is engaged in training the teacher to give boost to the government efforts in implementing this educational policy and getting the government’s desired results. Now, let us analyze the very existence of the audiences of our teachers in this communication process, that is, Their Students. The students come from variegated social back grounds of KPK. Most of them live below the poverty line. I have visited a primary school where a female teacher asks one of her students, “Why don’t you set your hair properly?” The student responds, “Mam, The teeth of the comb are broken and it hurts my skull”. The next day, the teacher buys the student a couple of combs and instructs the student, “Ask your mum to comb your hair using these”. Most of my readers are capable enough to extract the most out of this dialogue, but I will produce my analysis of the students without whom no teaching activity can be observed. Communication without an audience is just a cry in the wilderness. Most of the students are victims to chronic poverty. The government has found a solution to this issue too. They are being provided with free books, a well trained teacher and all the A.V.Aids needed to educate them with. Usually, students are classified on the basis of their age, physical and mental capacity, personal preferences out of the offered list of subjects etc. and on the basis of students’ density they are provided with the required facilities. But in this new educational policy every single inhabitant of the province is deemed fit to get educated. In this educational policy there are no short listing criteria for the students. The provincial educational ministry is asking more from the teachers this time around. One salient feature of the policy forces me write this article about the current educational policy is, females 3 to 80 years old are decided to be educated. The present infrastructure is found fit to keep the intake. The education ministry is strictly monitoring the intake by getting the feedback in shape of a text massage from the teachers on daily basis and reconciling the info by asking them to visit and recheck 30 text massages at the end of the month, and observe a discussion regarding their problems in educating the enrolled students. One big problem, there is no room for the intake to educate in the available infrastructure. Solution, accommodate them in streets. Don’t wonder if you find the officials delivering more in trying to escape suspension of their services due to negligence while performing their duties out of strict job description. One female official visits households in her jurisdiction, asking a household if any of their teachers visited them and have enrolled any member of the household in the school located nearby. This article both touches hearts and share about the determination of the government in educating everyone in KPK. More than half of the total populations of Asian and African nations are women. Working on their capacity building and polishing their skills can contribute a lot to our economy. Philippines and India are the market leaders in service industries today. China is self sufficient by now. Pakistan should better start utilizing her biggest chunk of the population, sitting back home doing nothing but proving a liability to pay for.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:18:24 +0000

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