Education is not educational. The system works, but not to - TopicsExpress


Education is not educational. The system works, but not to increase intelligence. Youll allow them to take more tax to increase spending on education, but very little of it goes on education. They build new schools, buy new books, buy computers, buy equipment, and no matter how much of your money they spend, theyre still not educating your kids. Youd do a better job yourself. Or to put it simply, the greeks figured out some amazing things. Long dead cultures had some of the most brilliant minds to exist on our planet and they didnt have systems, or computers, or books, or sports facilities or anything like that. Are you getting it yet? If youre super educated with a degree and everything, you conformed to the system and will perpetuate the same system. And if you didnt conform, well, its likely that youre a drone. Youre just living your life day by day, not really feeling fulfilled and youre just a slave. A peasant. Its so annoying that people have been purposefully undereducated.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 22:35:52 +0000

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