Edward And The Stylus Artificial flu - just a syringe full, - TopicsExpress


Edward And The Stylus Artificial flu - just a syringe full, but grot of the highest order. So all the better that I bumped into a free download of Beethovens 9th this morning. Im not entirely sure hot lemon drink is the ideal beverage for the Choral, but the combination soon has me perked up in time for the front doorbell and a man from the Water Board. I dont mute Ludwig while answering, but rather let the music purge the house and spill out onto the street while I talk in a raised voice to my visiter. Turns out Barry the Water Board man likes a bit of classical - and hes soon pom pom pomming along and telling me about his old Bang And Olufsen turntable and how his cat used to like sitting on its cover once it had warmed up. My lemon drink starts to go cold, so I put the kettle on and we chat on over a cup of tea. Edward (cool name for a cat) got ill one morning - standing up to stretch he fell off the record player onto the floor - and there, started to convulse and wretch. Off to the vets he went and the grim news was it was probably a seizure and the kindest thing was to put him down - Barry begins to fill up in the telling (as Leonard Bernstein whips the orchestra up into a triumphal frenzy..) Hed held the twitching moggy close as the veterinary went to fetch the syringe, squeezing his feline friend fondly - but then, suddenly dropping him as a bright white pain lanced into the index finger of his right hand! Aaggghhhhh, what the.. A quick inspection had revealed a bloody thorn - which once tweezered out was clearly recognisable as a Bang And Olufsen stylus!! It must have been stuck right in him poor chap, Says Barry. Until my cuddles dislodged it! ..It flippin hurt I can tell you! I smile back incredulous - while Barry adds, I mostly listen to CDs now..
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:07:57 +0000

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