Edward Hays is always good for an illustration regarding practical - TopicsExpress


Edward Hays is always good for an illustration regarding practical spirituality. His “Pursuit of the Great White Rabbit” provided the focus of our conversation yesterday. In the midst of a mundane passage in which the Apostle Paul is recapitulating his bona fides (Galatians 1.11-24), a couple of gems rise to the surface. The first is a phrase included in verse 18 in which Paul indicates that three years passed between his revelation and conversion experience on the road to Damascus (cf. Acts 9.1-19) and his going to Jerusalem to call on Cephas (Peter). He then goes on to indicate that another 14 years passed before he began his missionary work. Imagine 17 years of seasoning and waiting on his commission. And we give God, what, 10-15 minutes to show up as we pray? Maybe we’d better come to a new understanding that God is God and does things on God’s timetable and in God’s way. The bigger issue from yesterday’s text has to do with verse 16 in which Paul explains that Jesus was revealed to him by God. Revelation continues to be an important animator and corrector for the church. Without revelation from God, church has a tendency to devolve into a rote exercise in organizational competency and spiritual bankruptcy, what Reggie McNeil calls “churchianity.” God’s revelation continues to provide new understanding and conviction of God’s action in the world. No wonder the number one practice that moves people into deeper communion with God, according to the Willow Creek work (MOVE: What 1,000 Churches Reveal About Spiritual Growth), is the reading and contemplation of Scripture. God continues to be revealed in Scripture, often in new ways. God revealed Jesus Christ to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. It changed Paul’s life and it changed the world. How do you spend your time? How much do you read and contemplate Scripture? Only the dog who actually saw the white rabbit was committed to the chase. Other dogs fell by the wayside as time went on. Only those who have had an encounter with the divine mystery find the passion to pursue holiness. The others will be content with life-sucking “churchianity.” As a community we continue to lift Noah Conley in prayer, as well as the driver who hit him. Whitney continues to have stomach issues. And L.A. Sorensen is without a concrete diagnosis. Steve & Toni rejoice in their new home and Roseann’s brother Tom reported a cancer-free check up. Continue to read and re-read Galatians this week. Paul
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 15:33:18 +0000

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