Edward Hoyt Civil War Diary South Carolina July 31, 1864 The - TopicsExpress


Edward Hoyt Civil War Diary South Carolina July 31, 1864 The day has been fine & beautiful but last night from 10 till 12 o.c. we had a succession of heavy rain. It beat through our old tent so we had to spread a rubber blanket over us to keep us & our bunks dry. I feel some better today & feel I shall get along in a few days if I dont get a pullback – am in hopes the fever is somewhat checked if not broken. News has come that Sherman has taken Atlanta – good. August 1, 1864 The day has been fine with a good stiff breeze all day. The mail goes out today for the north by the Fulton. I am feeling about as well as yesterday. August 2, 1864 Fair the most of the day but it rains towards evening but not hard a calm summer rain with the sun in the west smiling to us through the tears beautiful – very. I am feeling a little better today & I think shall get along now soon if I am careful & I’ll try to be careful. August 3, 1864 It has been a very beautifull day & a cool breeze to make it pleasant. I am feeling better today – am in hopes to be able to report for duty in a few days. Have read a good deal today & written two letters. The Fulton did not sail till this afternoon. August 4, 1864 Another splendid day clear & lovely but warm. I feel a little better gaining slowly. The Fulton still lingers nothwithstanding all her announcements to sail. I think when she goes she will go yes. This morning there was a salute fired on the arrival of our prisoners from Charleston who have been exchanged – those officers that the rebs placed under the fire of our forts & batteries & they have gone north on the Fulton this afternoon she has finally gone & no mistake – the exchange of prisoners detained her. Two men were killed in firing the salute this morning by the premature discharge of a gun occasioned by not stopping the fuse or vent.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:40:47 +0000

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