Eeyore over the years...a tribute of sorts...not all photos are by - TopicsExpress


Eeyore over the years...a tribute of sorts...not all photos are by me, some of the better ones are by some friends of mine. When we first moved to the farm, the coyotes were in high season (they go in 7 year cycles) and they were coming right up to the barn door. We looked for and asked around for a donkey for a couple of months before going to the farm where we bought Eeyore. We had a large variety of donkeys to choose from, and they were all the same price. Eeyore was definitely not the donkey I wanted. His feet looked like corkscrews they were so twisty and his fallen crest was horribly floppy. There were plenty of other donkeys there that were the picture of health. But he continued to follow us around to every field - some spread so far apart that we drove the car to them. He stood at the fence and nuzzled the kids. I went out into the field and examined the beautiful paint donkey and Eeyore stayed with Gracie and Tascha. Finally I said: Fine if he will let me pick up his feet he can come home - hes going to need some help. He stood there in the middle of the field with no halter and nobody holding him and allowed me to pick up all 4 feet. Then he followed us back to the barn to be loaded to come to our farm the next day. It was then I found out they called him Lorne because he used to belong to Lorne Brethour - a standardbred ironic is that? Eeyore arrived without a halter, unloaded himself in the barnyard and followed us into the barn. There were only 3 horses here then. As we introduced him gradually to the horses, he followed me around so closely as I did repairs that its amazing he never got hit by a hammer. He was always hanging over my shoulder. This donkey, who looked totally broken had a spirit in him most people would envy...and he continued to win everyone over. From me to the old horse who hated everyone who wasnt a horse but became his best friend - everyone loved Eeyore. I built Eeyore a stall, and he used it for a while and then decided he could do his job better from the run in shed. He flatly refused to come in after that. Unless of course a little kid was leading him. He would always go anywhere for a little kid. Tascha rode him when she was still small enough and Gracie rode him from the time she was a year old until the day he left. Even as cautious as I am, I would step back and take pictures as Gracie sat on this old bird. Eeyore is supposed to be the same age as Amir - 21 and I wouldnt be surprised if he is a good decade older. It took 18 months for his feet to be relatively straightened out. He still pops abcesses from time to time and his feet were neglected for so long that it has affected the way he stands forever. Both the vet and nutritionists that visited the farm were amazed that with good nutrition that Eeyores fallen crest actually started to correct itself - and his topline came up over 2 inches as well. So much for the theory that these things are not corrected with proper nutrition..right? Vets and blacksmith alike said that Eeyore was the best behaved donkey they knew. And it was true - little kids learned how to groom a horse on Eeyore who would stand in the cross ties for hours enjoying a pamper session! When we decided to sell the farm, I knew I could only afford to keep Amir, who I have had for 16 years and actually did my rehab after my car accident on his back. I asked around a bit trying to place Eeyore to someone I trust but with no success. Lets face it, most ppl will not give the same care to a donkey as a horse and Eeyore was accustomed to his blankets, supplements, flymask in the summer etc. Even our blacksmith agreed he needed to have either us or him to look out for him after we moved. My mom and I agreed to split his board after we moved and that was that. Until I received a phone call from someone insisting that theyd heard about Eeyore from a neighbour and they would like him to come and keep their donkey company. I said no 3x and the lady kept talking. Finally I agreed she could come and meet Eeyore and we could discuss this. When I found out Eeyore could not only keep all supplements and care he has in place now but also receive massage therapy and chiropractic with his new donkey friend, I knew we would be selfish to keep him. He is settling in quite fine with his new donkey friend Ben, as I type this. Having said that, even with all of the fosters, elderly horses being put down etc, this is the first time when an animal has left that Gracie cried. It broke my heart and made me wonder if we made the right decision. I reminded her that she still has her dog, cat, bird, bunny, fish and of course we will have Amir for many more years. But she misses Eeyore and so do I. Eeyore, you may not have been the donkey I wanted, but you were certainly the donkey we all needed. You taught me patience and persistence, and that was surely something I would need in the years to come. Most importantly, you taught me that even when were completely broken, were always capable of healing to be happy and love again. Ill miss you forever and love you always.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:48:13 +0000

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