Effective Leadership ~a case study~ Introduction - TopicsExpress


Effective Leadership ~a case study~ Introduction According to Breene, the role of leadership is critical in the undertaking of Chief Executive Officers in the formulation and implementation of definitive plans to effect positive change in any given organization. The emphasis is on strategy and originates with a comprehensive view of its components, yet the most important element is to execute the strategies and position response time to market changes, and outside conditions, to a point of expedition and immediacy. The focus of this approach revolves around a newly-introduced integrated human resource role, and position, referred to as the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). Along with the CSO, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the Chief Operations Officer (COO), among other respective high-level executives depending on the layout of the organizational chart, integrate and create a synergetic demeanor in pursuit of an objective and common goal. In viewing the etymology of these ranking officials, the very notion of their roles is to execute strategies and other courses of action that fall under the responsibilities and accountability of effective leadership. The organizational structure and chart of relationship integrates, yet assigns an assortment of unique responsibilities that are expected and mandated to smoothly either initiate and cause or react to changes in the business climate. The environment is the pragmatic arena in which the activities transpire and are treated accordingly with the charter and mission statement of the company, or corporate entity, within the scope of its objectives and defined direction. According to Franken, it is essential to identify and understand the crucial anatomy and composition of management style and approach in order to determine a pathway to success. The execution of selected strategies does rest on sound leadership. As mentioned, the integration of assigned roles with respective tandem function toward the same outcome is critical. It is important to reiterate two points: the outcome must be defined and in alignment with the goals and objectives, and the individuals must be leaders in their respective departments that perform different tasks and address a variety of issues in the day-to-day course of operation. Make no mistake that the execution of tasks and their arrangement within the hierarchy is a tall order. In order to successfully execute successful strategies, a comprehensive and key element is the relationship between formulating (or planning) and proper implementation. In fact, it is represented that the failure rate of execution ranges between reflect a 60 to 70 per cent rate of failure. The purported value of their strategies certainly is under scrutiny and is a product of an array of challenges that sometimes conflict. If an analogy applies, a suggestion could correlate the interdepartmental function as highly focused and sometimes possess inherent avenues that are not strictly parallel. For example, in a computer science atmosphere, there can sometimes be some contention between data integrity and data security on their respective applied paths toward excellence. There are tradeoffs and there sometimes is need for compromise in search of the epitome of optimum performance and the integrated harmony of cooperative and co-existing nature of systematic proficiency and brilliance. According to Franken, there are, similarly, execution challenges, (perhaps even dilemmas), that must be confronted concurrently and precipitate this conflict within an interdependent infrastructure which task is to move forward, on a macro level, synergetically, yet simultaneously employing independent micro goals according to specific homogeneous duty and charge. These unique functions relate to the cooperation of departmental forces in regard to: profitability and the aggressive communication from stakeholders, the specific and complex innate status and nature of entities, the balance management must attempt in coordinating complex change agenda, the somewhat autonomous and focused efforts of individual departments in a focus on their own respective dossier of action items (sometimes unintentionally failing to fully integrate toward the common goal and commitment to overall change), and a resource factor where departmental interests volley for ownership which causes an independence and proprietary attitude that is, in essence, a disintegration, resistance, and independent venture on the part of identified constituencies. Hence, Franken professes a strong model to address the change process, leadership, and effectiveness of implementation and execution. The components of the model are categorized in three areas: strategic change portfolio alignment, strategic change execution, and change capability improvement. The classifications within these three disciplines are numbered at ten steps. It is noteworthy to mention that the first six steps are planning in nature, while execution enters the model on the seventh step, and the postlude is ongoing improvement and management of the execution. Improvement then fosters yet another four steps ancillary, yet an addendum to the program. Successful Leader: The Entré of Meliane Canepa According to Hansen, Meliane Canepa, of Nobel Biocare, President and CEO of the company, beginning in 1999 until she stepped down in 2007, was ranked number 5 of the top female CEO’s in terms of worldwide recognized performance. Therefore, the successful leader selected for case evaluation was Meliane Canepa. Ms. Canepa had been awarded several other honors of distinction, to include Entrepreneur of the Year Swiss Award in 2006 among many corporate awards, such as Entrepreneur of the Year by the financial Times in 20005 along with other prominent recognition within the dental implant industry and Nobel Biocare itself. According to the Zurich Press (in German), (2007), Ms. Canepa has been cited for excellence and innovation in the economy and marketplace. She attributes much of her success to the employees who support her and the respective recognition is a result of the system of subordination and implementation management on a global scale of the involvement of the company which she led. She attributes her business acumen to the sensitivity to the individualized client, the customization of product through professional dentists and manufacturing facilities, and the need for uncovering the broad base of potential market penetration on an international scale. Expansion and growth to no limit was one of her philosophies. According to Nobel Biocare Corporate Release (2007), Ms. Canepa was responsible for building her associate company into the number one position, in the world, for dental implant dynamic growth and service to the extremes of world markets. She built the company into a power and strength in the industry. As a dual goal, with entrepreneurial spirit, the excellence of the product was coupled with a concentration in the financial profile. In her six year tenure, Ms. Canepa is credited with enormous expansion and growth. Her rudimentary motto was to service in a customized fashion, expand the horizons within the marketplace, and give the stakeholders a sense of profound satisfaction.The article further revealed that her intent was not simply to be a manufacturer, but to provide solutions to complex, as well as routine, problems that exist in a natural progression of the developmental process within the dental healthcare industry. In regard to the finances, the numbers reflect, in 2006, since her inception a steady double digit increase in gross revenues. In 2006 alone, the revenues were up to circa Euro 600M, representing a healthy 24% increase from just the prior year, as well as net presents at the Euro 158M, (Swiss Francs 240M), up again at an increase of 2.2%. The financial portfolio speaks for itself, in terms of a successful venture. The fact that the company she led transformed into the number one company in its industry is also profound. So what makes this woman tick? According to a Financial Time newspaper direct interview with the innovative entrepreneur in 2006, one of her introductory points was that she started as a clerk and rose to her dreams on the basis of sheer passion and drive. She addressed the difficult times of pronounce turbulence and need for change and turn-around. Two noteworthy events took place that she identified and took quick note upon which to capitalize. At the point Ms. Canepa took over the helm at Biocare, the company itself was a product of a takeover; this, initially, sounds like it may have been detrimental, yet it was by its largest competitor and served to eliminate market share contention and competition; adjunctly another competing entity went out of business and the entire facility closed, leaving approximately 550 employees, trained, familiar with the business, and motivated to work at her direct disposal. Ms. Canepa vowed to substantially increase the Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) by an estimated 25% on the financial side, and from a very admirable dimension, committed to employing all of those at-liberty workers of the industry. She incorporated these goals into her agenda. From a strategy and mechanical view, the restructuring and the previously mentioned philosophies launched a new breath into the organism of style, advancement, and change. This was leadership at its finest. Her management style was not gender-oriented, but skill, experience, and personality-oriented. She identified an enormous potential in the human resource pool and emphasized, for herself and others, quality, stamina, and focus. She believed proving oneself is rewarded by promotion, independent of other factors. She was relentless in keeping her goal in sight, maintaining vision, and assuming the role of the driving force in this systematic and dynamic restructuring. She believed in proving herself on a constant basis and expecting the same from others. She acknowledged “a bit of luck” was definitely on her side, as well, while “being in the right place at the right time” is a further advantage. Teamwork and integration was very important to her, as well as being on a winning team. The Company According to the Dental Tribune (2007) much of the company, Nobel Biocare, was revealed by the effective leadership and summaries and accomplishments of the President and CEO. In general, the leader of the industry is a prominent indicator of the type of organization with which we are dealing. Specifically, the industry leader specializes in dental solutions in the realm of restorative prosthetics and esthetic devices that originate in an implant technique that extended the world over. The product is distributed globally, is headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland, and has manufacturing facilities and distribution channel locations in Canada, Israel, Japan, Sweden, and the US. The direct sales locations number thirty-four. Under the innovative leadership of Meliane Canepa, from 1999 to 2007, dynamic expansion and growth took place. Ms. Canepa is credited with building the organization into the leader of the industry. Stakeholders were pleased with double-digit returns and steady increases in both gross revenues and net profits. The stock call letters are NOBN on the New York Stock Exchange and SIX on the Swiss Exchange. As an update, the company today hails an annual gross revenue of Euro 580.5M and employs some 2500 individuals among its numerous international locales. Standards to Evaluate Leadership Success According to Hansen, evaluation indicators of performance address the long-term performance is key, i.e., from beginning to end of the tenure. Financials play a great role in lending consideration to increased market capitalization, shareholder returns, market share, and overall financials in terms of gross revenues and net profit. The Return On Investment (ROI) is paramount for investors. Globalization is also a component of measured achievement, as well as growth pattern and handling of change. Indexes may be drawn upon, such as Fortune 500, BRIC lists (Brazil Russia India and China), Standard & Poor (S & P), as well as other established and somewhat standardized indexes on a global scale. In an effort to be objective, qualitative features, and their subjectivity, such as perceived reputation, notoriety, and arbitrary comparisons tend to be not as useful, accurate, nor reliable. Empirical methodologies seem to rank the standards. More subjective observations define the performance of leadership in more of a qualitative sense. It is imperative to acknowledge change and failure in the process of conducting business and trying new ideas. The handling of these new ideas, coming up with them, aligning a loyal implementation team, and weathering the storms, while reacting to the unknown, are all qualitative sanctions that lead one to conclusive determination of leadership performance. Fighting the tide is another factor. Resistance is an innate characteristic of change and establishing a continuity and trust from subordinates is an eminently critical management capability. A cognizance that yesterday is gone, along with its success stories, and a fresh new beginning does not include reliance on laurels. Adding value is also a key ingredient in the overall assessment of a high performer in these management and innovation fields. Focus on the long term is far more important than sparkle and flash achievements. Short and temporary satisfaction does not prove the mandated sustenance and durability of a company through the seasons. Focus on immediacy, yet long term planning. Key Facts, Changes, and Transformations There are some key issues in dealing with change. Change is simply the deviation from the accustomed or norm to which everyone has acclimated. Change can come in many forms, yet the generic word need be modified in order to accurately depict the desired result. The sign of a good and effective leader is one of innovation. Innovation reflects both added value and behavioral change. Change is eminent and that is a constant. Always expect change, along with change is the need for immediate response. As the curves have troughs, inclines, peaks, and declines, there must be always a propensity toward innovation. Sometimes it is expressed as staying ahead of the curve. Every point in the cycle is critical to explore innovation; yet, the very critical point is the short time after the peak. At that given point, an effort of innovation and immediate response to change, in a positive way, is fruitful. In fact, the future of any company could depend on it. According to Credit Suisse (2005), there was a substantial increase in the overall financial status of Nobel Biocare for the intense progress and innovative techniques employed by the CEO. The philosophy highlighted growth and expansion globally. This was a definitive ingredient to illustrate innovation, sensitivity to the marketplace, and effective leadership focused on positive goals with a support team engaged in productivity. As mentioned, gross revenues increased and net profit followed accordingly. The stakeholders were pleased with returns and a very humanistic venture was accomplished by deciding to utilize the experience of a former competitor which had closed its doors. Transform favor with a takeover circumstance was also a matter of fortune. Transcending gender boundaries and focusing on performance, and reward for it, along with making selections of experience, tenacity, and striving forward, was also an admirable characteristic in the leadership arena. According to Caffarella (2002), a transfer of learning was a part of her leadership strategy. Taking advantage of a neighboring corporation that became insolvent was a tactful maneuver. Ms. Canepa set a goal to hire every one of those skilled and trained work force in order to accomplish a compassionate objective, as well as to implement a very speedy adaptation to role responsibility and task, in order to grow the company in one quick swoop. The experience derived from adding this sector of the human resource was a minimal consideration in terms of learning curve and maximum benefit in terms of not only growth potential, but immediate growth itself. According to the Financial Time newspaper, the CEO knew no boundaries when it came to expansion and research. Ms. Canepa traveled to some 36 countries to investigate expansion possibilities. She enacted this of her own volition while running the company. Her sights and vision were also planted on growth and new opportunity. She set clear goals from the onset. She stated a goal of 25% increase in the EBIT. She did, indeed, increase the revenues substantially every year of her reign. According to the Implant Tribune US Edition (2006), She opened a location in Japan as a part of her globalization process. She increased market presence and ventured into other countries to flagstaff market domination. Although the expansion was large-scaled, the product and service identified a unique and customized perspective. The target was individual care for each client. It was a very valuable and thoughtful gesture on which she premised her business. She possessed the conscience and moral attribute that propelled success. Positive Results According to the Zurich Press (2005), it is indisputable that the contributions of Ms. Canepa were extraordinarily significant. Rising to the number one position in the industry, worldwide, and continued growth, being sensitive and innovative in regard to change, all influences an exceptionally positive change that led to award-winning notoriety. The clients were content, as were the stockholders, as were the employees. Everyone was on the winning team. The Role of Global Leadership Adventures According to Breene, the role of leadership is critical and the response to change is the premise of the role. The need for an integrated staff of chiefs, with ever-increasing responsibilities, is on the rise. Specialization and accountability are two ingredients that comprise a foundation from which to move forward. Not everyone can do everything. Designated and compatible roles and experience need work in tandem, as a team and support system, in order to create the necessary synergy to accelerate. Management can be leading or implementative. The innovator, visionary, doer, creator, and brainstormer comes up with the ideas and then motivates the team to move toward the stated outcome. In leadership, not everything is predictable; in fact, a seasoned leader expects and deals with change and ambiguity on a regular basis. Effective leadership requires mastery of relationships. Relationships make up the world. Everything is, in fact, relative. The relationship extend beyond people, although are, most certainly, critical. Relationship must be understood between and among numerous factors. Competition, price, market condition, company direction, mission statement, and charter. A major point is that some claim the strategy is not being followed. IN the midst of all types of agendas, unified, autonomous, hidden, et cetera, the effective leader need determine the course and keep everyone on it. These are all pertinent aspects of the role of leadership. Critical Thinking According to Nobel Biocare Corporate Release (2007), Ms. Canepa made the decision to step out, move on, or whatever the proper term would be. She left at a time when troubles had introduced themselves n the technical field of implants. There were some challenges that the company was forced to face. It required an entirely new construction to adhere to legally mandated standards. Taking into account the tremendous success that was experience, over her career, Ms Canepa may have decided to lead the way through this substantial undertaking. The essence of her career and biography was one of success. Her tenure, of six years, at the company, was mammoth and impeccable. She made choices to grow and innovate by expanding and identifying the product and service as a solution, rather than simply an item. Her departure left a noted success in the CEO position at a critical time, yet referred to as a point of strength. Contiguous leadership was required. Not knowing the grounds for departure, it is difficult to determine, yet it might have made sense to continue with the familiarity and demonstrated effective leadership that was experienced with such success. Today the company thrives, yet has encountered some terrifying times. Another leader stepped in to attempt to follow in the footsteps of a great innovator and visionary. Ah, another change to which everyone must adapt. Reflection Longevity, momentum, and growth form the platform for charter and mission statement. Effective leadership is what provides the engine for this lean and mean machine to eloquently, and sometimes not so eloquently, thrive and press forward. Leading through change, being sensitive to it, being innovative and strategic, motivating, and arranging and orchestrating relationships all comprise the anatomy of a successful organization. As a bank would evaluate a loan, the decisions are not made on the best day of the applicants’ payment and income abilities, but the most vital and troubled times and how they are addressed. The measurement of an effective leader is evaluated on the competency level that presides over the sinking ship and the speeding bullet. In order to function efficiently, productively, and morally, a carefully-designed and carefully-executed strategy become crucial. The relationship among the players, the chiefs, the various management specialists (leaders or implementers) must all be identified and the synergy put into action. Communication and respect for the position of everyone in the montage, from beginning to end, must be assessed evaluated, and continually revised to accommodate the ultimate goal of benefit and solution for the whole lot. The effect of brilliant and innovative strategies, primal leadership, planning, understanding, and enduring execution, must be a win for everyone and rests on a new approach consideration at all times. That would provide true success. [Note: this was a specific case and an assignment I designed for my own student on a custom basis. The content is proprietary and scanned into an international system designed to detect reproduction. Very unwise idea to claim it as your own and be dismissed for plagiarism. For every assignment I design, I write what I consider an ideal rendition. This is a model for the specific assignment. I intentionally omitted the name of the assignment and the specific references].
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:23:04 +0000

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