Effective Process Limits Conflict No one likes change or being - TopicsExpress


Effective Process Limits Conflict No one likes change or being passed over for promotion. To minimize bad feelings over disappointment and change, employ effective steps focused on limiting conflict. Paul instructed, “But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” (1 Corinthians 14:40, NIV) An orderly process is an important first step. An orderly process requires that you think through how you will work through decisions in a fair and orderly way. Many years ago when smoking was legal in many public buildings, I wanted to initiate a no smoking policy in the building where I worked. At the time, making offices non-smoking was a trend. In my building, some staff wanted to get rid of smoking while smokers were adamant about keeping the privilege. We started addressing the change by appointing a committee of colleagues which included management, supervisors, and hourly staff. They were tasked to develop a proposed policy to address smoking in the building. The committee was not told in advance what to suggest. The committee consisted of smokers and nonsmokers. They were employees who would have been considered leaders by others. One member was someone whose manager, a smoker, was recently diagnosed with cancer of the throat. The group conducted research, reviewed the health considerations, and looked at different options. Finally, the group recommended a policy of no smoking in the building. In addition they suggested that smoking be permitted outside in a covered area that would be provided. The committee also recommended support for any employee who wanted to enter a stop smoking program. Management accepted the policy in full. While some smokers did not like the result, they understood that the process was fair especially because they had an opportunity to weigh in. I could have written a memo in five minutes designating the building as non-smoking, however; it would have created conflict. The process was effective to help those who, though they did not like the outcome, accepted the results. Another part of the process is to treat everyone with kindness and respect even if you believe they are completely wrong. Jesus said, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12, NIV) In the same way you want respect, those you work with want you to respect them. The committee assigned to develop the smoking policy, treated each person with respect. Some took an early position saying, “If I want to smoke that’s my business. Don’t tell me what to do.” Others thought, “My life is in danger with all of this second-hand smoke so smoking needs to stop now.” While feelings were intense on both sides, everyone was treated with respect. Each had an opportunity to express positions, gather information, and participate. The ultimate result must be as fair and reasonable to all as possible. Micah wrote, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8, NIV) Since feelings were strong on both sides of the smoking issue, it was important that the policy implement accommodations. Smokers were permitted smoking breaks outside. Some resented this saying “Why should they get a break just to smoke?” The answer was that this was part of the compromise to remove smoke from the building. Implementing change is not easy. Not everyone will like the change. Using an orderly, fair, and respectful process will make executing tough decisions easier. Subscribe to the free Business Proverbs e-mail here: bit.ly/ncixc1
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 03:02:36 +0000

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